I thank you
superdemus for your exceptionally outstanding work on this mod.

It installs, looks and works great.
Excellent job on the wild child pants/skirt bro.

May I ask you about hex editing specular values based on your fine work and experience ?
Since it is possible to make clothes shinier, is it then possible to make them less shinier or matt ?
Is it possible to edit the specular values for NPC clothes to make them glossless or have the same specular values as their skin in order to render an even tone
( a non reflective or matt surface ) that matches the same specular value of their skin ?
Or just give the NPC model an overall uniform specular value. ( since it involves only the body portion )
I'm working on a mod that will make some female NPCs to appear non clothed by editing the textures of their clothes to match the same color of their skin
but apparently their clothing has a higher specular value that renders too shiney.

( for more details and screenshots for this mod in progress, go to the adult section of SRIV/Mods in Progress/All Nude Girl City - Naked Strippers & Gimp Girls )
Below is an example of the skin tone textures
minus the additional female two upper circles
and lower triangular attributes.
( with respect to maintaining a PG forum rating )
I respectfully request your expertise in editing specular values and help in the advancement of perfecting the appearance of the female NPC nudie girls.
If it's not too much trouble or time consuming, may I upload the files required to be edited by your talented touch?

Thank you.