I've read through this over and over again, and I've read through the readme instructions for your tool, and I've just spent the last hour or so trying to make heads and tails out of the thing, so spare my incompetence, but you're going to have to explain this to me as if I was your grandma.
Thanks in advance
Me too, I'm having a hard time understanding those steps.
I am unable to
I've tried the SR3UnpackTextures and Winrar, but none works.
Please give us more details, for us noobs
He doesn't mean extract as in those specific files, he was talking about the mod's ZIP archive. What he means is copy the sr3_city_awld.str2_pc file from this mod's ZIP archive into "Gentlemen_of_Steelport_v1.0_Beta_3\optional_mod_stuff\1-MY_EXTRA_MODS\" and copy the stream_grid.asm_pc into "Gentlemen_of_Steelport_v1.0_Beta_3\optional_mod_stuff\sr3_city_0.vpp_pc\".
Edit: Trying to be a little more specific and pictures added to show where the files should go. I would also recommend backing up Gentlemen of Steelport's stream_grid.asm_pc file just in case you want to revert back to the original textures without re-downloading the mod.
Hi everyone! has someone succeeded into make the HD texture work on Saint Row IV ???
I tried Scanti tutorial but didnt notice any changes in the game...
What about you guys ?

Yes, you can do it. It's a little bit lengthier of a method.
First thing, you'll need to extract this mod's sr3_city_awld.str2_pc using a Saints Row: the Third tool (I used Gibbed's Tools:
https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/gibbed-tools.639/). Then you'll need to extract stream_grid.asm_pc from Saints Row IV's sr3_city_0.vpp_pc (I used Minimaul's Tools:
https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/minimauls-saints-row-iv-tools.3188/). Now you'll need to repack sr3_city_awld using Minimaul's Build Packfile. You'll need to wait about 15 minutes or more (depending on your computer's specs) and you'll have a Saints Row IV compatible version of this mod. You can then paste those files into your Saints Row IV root directory.
Pictures added below for reference.

Edit: Okay, I foolishly realised that there are missing textures in Saints Row IV using this method. While it does work, Saints Row IV added textures to sr3_city_awld.cpeg_pc which will cause errors if you do a straight port like I mentioned. If you want to restore those textures, you'll need to get SR3 Texture Utilities (
http://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/sr3-texture-utilities.566/) unpack Saints Row IV's sr3_city_awld.cpeg_pc and this mod's sr3_city_awld.cpeg_pc in separate directories. Then, take the textures from this mod and overwrite the ones in Saints Row IV. Use the Repacking tool then use Minimaul's tool to build the sr2_pc packfile. That should fix the issues with missing textures. Hevon provided no information about redistribution with the textures that I could see (granted I didn't read through this entire thread) so I'm not sure if I could post an updated version for Saints Row IV for you. I don't see any contact info either.

I shot a PM over anyway, but I wouldn't hold my breath.