Sandbox++ v0.9 (Warp to Activity Markers + Ghost Town Mode)

Sandbox++ v0.9
Original Sandbox+ by IdolNinja
Modified by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU



(Ghost Town achieved with commands 888817, 888818, 888821)

=== Description ===
Sandbox++ is a modified version of Sandbox+ included in Gentlemen of the Row mod.
Added more teleport locations such as Activity Markers, and added ped/traffic spawning controls so you can make Stilwater a ghost town. You can also use nitrous on all vehicles (technically...) and play Jyunichi boss fight music everywhere.

=== Install ===
To install, place "sr2_city.lua" file to optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE folder in Gentlemen of the Row mod folder.
Then execute "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat", create a patch (P), and copy everything inside the MY_CUSTOM_PATCH folder to your Saints Row 2 installation folder.

=== New Teleport Commands ===
* Districts:
136 - Teleport to Rounds Square Shopping Center
137 - Teleport to Stilwater Caverns Entrance
138 - Teleport to The Pyramid

* Cribs:
154 - Teleport to Aisha's House
155 - Teleport to Ultor Yacht
156 - Teleport to Phillips Building

* Activities:
158 - Teleport to Ho-ing Technically Legal
161 - Teleport to Mayhem Nuclear Plant (Marker for Before and After Completion)
162 - Teleport to Mayhem Nuclear Plant (In-Progress marker in Apartments)
163 - Teleport to Mayhem Red Light
164 - Teleport to Demolition Derby
165 - Teleport to Crowd Control Hotels and Marina
166 - Teleport to Crowd Control Suburbs
167 - Teleport to Drug Trafficking Airport
168 - Teleport to Drug Trafficking Hotels and Marina
171 - Teleport to Escort Stilwater University
172 - Teleport to Escort Red Light
173 - Teleport to Fight Club Prison
174 - Teleport to Fight Club Arena
175 - Teleport to FUZZ Suburbs
176 - Teleport to FUZZ Projects
177 - Teleport to Heli Assault Trailer Park
178 - Teleport to Heli Assault Barrio
181 - Teleport to Insurance Fraud Factory
182 - Teleport to Insurance Fraud Museum
183 - Teleport to Septic Avenger Suburbs
184 - Teleport to Septic Avenger Red Light
185 - Teleport to Snatch Chinatown
186 - Teleport to Snatch Downtown
187 - Teleport to Trail Blazing Downtown
188 - Teleport to Trail Blazing Apartments

* Stores:
221 - Semi Broken
222 - Rim Jobs Nuclear Power Plant
223 - Image as Designed Suburbs Expansion
224 - Image as Designed Suburbs
225 - Image as Designed Downtown
226 - Image as Designed Saint's Row
227 - Friendly Fire Suburbs
228 - Friendly Fire Apartments
231 - Friendly Fire Docks & Warehouses
232 - Friendly Fire Downtown
233 - Friendly Fire Rounds Square Shopping Center
234 - Brass Knuckles Barrio
235 - Brass Knuckles Museum
236 - Brass Knuckles Rounds Square Shopping Center
237 - Brass Knuckles Downtown
238 - Scratch That Suburbs Expansion
241 - Scratch That University
242 - Scratch That Barrio
243 - Scratch That Saint's Row
244 - Scratch That Apartments
245 - Foreign Power Suburbs
246 - Foreign Power Museum
247 - Foreign Power Saint's Row
248 - Foreign Power Arena
251 - Cycles Suburbs
252 - Cycles Arena
253 - Cycles Museum
254 - Ship It Suburbs
255 - Ship It Hotels & Marina
256 - Blue Collar Supply
257 - S.P.D. Impound
258 - Sparrow Aircraft
261 - Stilwater Scrapyard
262 - Volition Gift Shop
263 - Freckle Bitch's Suburbs
264 - Freckle Bitch's Museum
265 - Freckle Bitch's Apartments
266 - Freckle Bitch's Barrio
267 - Freckle Bitch's Rounds Square Shopping Center
268 - Charred Hard Burgers Airport
271 - Charred Hard Burgers Hotels & Marina
272 - Charred Hard Burgers University
273 - Charred Hard Burgers Museum
274 - Apollo's Rounds Square Shopping Center
275 - Apollo's Docks & Warehouses
276 - Apollo's Apartments
277 - Apollo's Downtown
278 - Phuc Mi Phuc Yue Hotels & Marina
281 - Phuc Mi Phuc Yue Rounds Square Shopping Center
282 - Phuc Mi Phuc Yue Chinatown
283 - Company of Gyros Rounds Square Shopping Center
284 - Company of Gyros Suburbs
285 - Brown Baggers Truckyard
286 - Leather & Lace
287 - Nobody Loves Me
288 - Let's Pretend

=== New Notoriety Commands ===
354 - Disable/Enable Restricted Zones Notoriety
355 - Enable/Disable Notoriety Gang Spawns in Rounds Square Shopping Center
356 - Warp player's current vehicle to a notoriety vehicle spawn location [NEW in v0.8]

361 - Display currently active mission or activity's internal ID
362 - on_hood_changed: Show internal "Hood" name when moving into a new hood
363 - on_district_changed: Show district name when moving into a new district
364 - on_purchase: Show messages when a clothing item, a food, or a new weapon (but not ammo) is bought
365 - on_notoriety_event: Show messages when the player's notoriety gets changed by crimes or enemy gang member kills
366 - on_projectile_hit: Show messages when a non-bullet projectile (rockets or granades) hits something
367 - on_hit_ped: Show messages when a player's vehicle runs over a human
368 - on_random_human_killed: Show messages when someone kill a human (only works in missions)
371 - on_random_mover_killed: Show messages when someone kill a "mover" such as barrels or parking meters (only works in missions)
372 - on_random_vehicle_killed: Show messages when someone kill a vehicle (only works in missions)
373 - on_take_damage: Show messages when the player gets damaged [NEW in v0.8]
374 - on_collision: Show messages when the player's vehicle collides with something [NEW in v0.8]
375 - on_vehicle_stunt: Show messages when the player gets respect from a vehicle-related stunt [NEW in v0.8]
376 - Display current vehicle's internal type name [NEW in v0.8]

=== Outfit Commands ===
*NOTE 1: To revert the outfit, open your wardrobe in a crib.
*NOTE 2: When you change your outfit then change to another one, some items of the previous outfit will remain on your character (Example: when going from Fire Suit to Video Repair, the helmet from Fire Suit will remain on Video Repair outfit)

671 - Police Outfit (FUZZ)
672 - Suit 1 (Crowd Control Outfit)
673 - Sexy 1
674 - Street 1
675 - Crazy 1
676 - Repair (Video Repair Outfit)
677 - Streaker
678 - Suit purple man
681 - Suit purple woman
682 - Fire Fighter
683 - Pimp 1
684 - Fire Suit (Trail Blazing suit; immune to fire damage)
685 - Prison
686 - Pirate
687 - Cat
688 - Evil Doctor
711 - Slasher 1
712 - Hippie
713 - Barbershop
714 - Construction
715 - Hazmat
716 - Clown
717 - Mime
718 - Japanese Streaker Female
721 - Japanese Streaker Male
722 - Indy
723 - Shaundi
724 - Gyros
725 - Tobias
726 - Veteran Child
727 - Mr Sunshine
728 - The General
731 - Donnie
732 - Jessica
733 - Matt
734 - Carlos
735 - Maero
736 - Jyunichi
737 - Shogo
738 - Pierce
741 - Wong
742 - Kazuo
743 - Gat
744 - Dane Vogel
745 - Julius
746 - Lara
747 - Solo
748 - Lara2
751 - Agent47
752 - Riddler
753 - Tommy
754 - Funkmaster
755 - Clockwork
756 - Pancho
757 - Zangief
758 - Diver
761 - Cage
762 - Devil Girl
763 - Joker
764 - OKUSA
765 - Fancy
766 - SamLunch
767 - Guile
768 - Firespite
771 - TC
772 - Mordrack
773 - Aisha
774 - Luz
775 - GatSuit
776 - Masako
777 - Swat
778 - FBI
781 - Goon
782 - LukeFighter
783 - Hulkster
784 - LupinGreen
785 - LupinRed
786 - Jigen

=== Misc Commands ===
215 - Sunnyvale Projects burning chunk swap (cycles through Burning, Burned, and Normal) [UPDATED in v0.9]
218 - Saints Hideout status change (cycles through levels 1, 2, and 3)
816 - Enable/Disable cops shooting from vehicles
817 - Change walking pedestrians density [UPDATED in v0.4]
818 - Disable/Enable action-node (non-walking) pedestrians
821 - Disable/Enable all traffic. This includes notoriety cops/gang cars (Heli will still spawn). Disabling traffic makes cellphone unusable.
822 - Change civilian traffic density. Does not disable notoriety spawns, and cellphone is still usable. [UPDATED in v0.4]
823 - Disable/Enable ambient cop spawns (Those that appear at 0 notoriety)
824 - Disable/Enable ambient gang spawns (Those that appear at 0 notoriety)
825 - Disable/Enable roadblocks that appear at higher notoriety levels
826 - Enable/Disable bum pedestrians (used in Stilwater Caverns Stronghold)
827 - Disable/Enable boat spawns
828 - Collectibles Finder. First activation of the command shows CD locations on the map as blue markers, second activation shows Stunt Jumps #1-#40, third activation shows Stunt Jumps #41-#80, and fourth activation shows barnstorming locations. [UPDATED in v0.8]
831 - Disable/Enable player health regeneration
832 - Enable/Disable nearby civilians always flee from you (Used in first Brotherhood mission)
833 - Enable/Disable force player to use the passenger seat
834 - Hide/Unhide Player Character
835 - Change day/night cycle speed
836 - Change Current Hour [NEW in v0.4]
837 - Change Weather [NEW in v0.4]
838 - Disable/Enable Player Ragdoll [NEW in v0.4]
841 - Player evacuate from a vehicle [NEW in v0.4]
842 - Disable/Enable Vehicle Enter/Exit [NEW in v0.5]
843 - Enable/Disable Vehicle Infinite Mass [NEW in v0.5]
844 - Enable/Disable Vehicle Smoke [NEW in v0.5]
845 - Enable/Disable Vehicle Fire [NEW in v0.5]
846 - Enable/Disable Vehicle Suppress Flipping [NEW in v0.5]
847 - Enable/Disable Vehicle Auto Repair [NEW in v0.5]
848 - Change Phillips Building's Window Status [NEW in v0.5]
851 - Enable/Disable Player Invulnerability [NEW in v0.6]
852 - Change Player Damage Multiplier (Less multiplier means better defence) [NEW in v0.6]
853 - Enable/Disable Sword Combat Mode (sword stance against Jyunichi and Kazuo) [NEW in v0.6]
854 - Enable/Disable Jyunichi Boss Battle Music [NEW in v0.6]
855 - Enable/Disable Super Nitro (Enables delayless Nitrous for all land vehicles. Due to technical reasons, only the host player can use it) [NEW in v0.6]
856 - Disable/Enable all action-nodes (including player idle action spots and Saints/Strippers spawn points in a crib) [NEW]
857 - Despawn all Saints [NEW in v0.8]
858 - Despawn all Civilians [NEW in v0.8]
861 - Despawn all Police officers (excluding Ultor guards) [NEW in v0.8]
862 - Despawn all Ultor guards [NEW in v0.8]
863 - Despawn all Brotherhoods [NEW in v0.8]
864 - Despawn all Ronins [NEW in v0.8]
865 - Despawn all Samedis [NEW in v0.8]
866 - Despawn all "Neutral Gangs" (Pimps) [NEW in v0.8]
867 - Despawn everyone [NEW in v0.8]
868 - Disable/Enable Brotherhood ambient spawns [NEW in v0.8]
871 - Disable/Enable Ronin ambient spawns [NEW in v0.8]
872 - Disable/Enable Samedi ambient spawns [NEW in v0.8]
873 - Enable/Disable Walking Bomb (everything around you gets blown for every 5 seconds) [NEW in v0.8]
874 - Create "Car Bomb" explosion [NEW in v0.8]
875 - Create "Car Bomb Big" explosion [NEW in v0.8]
876 - Spawn a Ronin Helicopter to a nearby notoriety spawn location [NEW]
877 - Disable/Enable all Crib Triggers [NEW]

882 - Finish current mission (on activities, it will fail and exit the current activity without any on-screen messages) [NEW in v0.8]
883 - Teleport to Fight Club Arena Inside Ring [NEW in v0.5]
884 - Teleport to Super Secret Island [NEW in v0.5]
885 - Teleport to Ultor Arena [NEW in v0.5]
886 - Teleport to Tohoku Hotel [NEW in v0.5]
887 - Teleport to Gymnasium [NEW in v0.5]
888 - Re-display last entered command code and name [NEW in v0.4]

=== Changelog ===
v0.9 (June 22, 2019)
* Added commands 876 (Spawn a Ronin Helicopter) and 877 (Disable/Enable all Crib Triggers)
* Command 215 (Projects and meth labs) actually works now (previously the player fell through the ground) and can now cycle through Burning, Burned, and Normal.

v0.8 (May 11, 2019)
* Added commands 356, 373-376, 882
* CD Finder (828) is now "Collectibles Finder". In addition to CDs, it can display Stunt Jumps and Barnstorming locations.

v0.7 (April 13, 2019)
* Added commands 361-372, 856-875

v0.6 (January 9, 2019)
* Added commands 851-855

v0.5 (January 9, 2019)
* Added commands 842-848, 883-887

v0.4 (January 8, 2019)
* Added "Change Current Hour" (836)
* Added "Change Weather" (837)
* Added Disable/Enable Player Ragdoll (838) (NOTE: I forgot to add it to the v0.4 readme!)
* Added "Player evacuate from a vehicle" (841)
* Added "Re-display last entered command code and name" (888)
* The density of walking pedestrians and civilian traffic can now be fine tuned (Commands 817 and 822 now cycles through 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0)
* Plays cellphone keypad sound when pushing number keys

v0.3 (December 31, 2018)
* Added Saints HQ status switch (218) and renumbered Store Teleport commands by one (Semi Broken is now 221)
* Added bunch of Store Teleports (221-288)
* Added "nearby civilians always flee from you" (832)
* Added "force player to use the passenger seat" (833)
* Added "Hide/Unhide Player Character" (834)
* Added "Change day/night cycle speed" (835)

v0.2 (August 19, 2018)
* Added Teleports:
** 137 - Stilwater Caverns Entrance
** 138 - The Pyramid
** 158 - Ho-ing at Technically Legal
** 218 - Semi Broken
** 221 - Image as Designed Suburbs Expansion
** 222 - Image as Designed Suburbs
** 223 - Image as Designed Downtown
** 224 - Image as Designed Saint's Row
* Added Notoriety Commands:
** 354 - Disable/Enable Restricted Zones Notoriety
** 355 - Enable/Disable Notoriety Gang Spawns in Rounds Square Shopping Center
* Added Outfit Commands (671-786)
* Added Misc Commands:
** 827 - Disable/Enable boat spawns
** 828 - Enable/Disable CD Finder (add CD locations on the map as blue markers)
** 831 - Disable/Enable player health regeneration

v0.1 (June 10, 2018)
* Initial Release


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v0.3 released. New features include:
* Change Saints Hideout level (218)
* Warp to most non-clothing, non-liquor stores (221-288)
* Make your Boss smell like hell and make nearby civilians run away (832)
* Force the player into the passenger seat and take a hitch hike (833)
* Make your Boss disappear and reappear (834)
* Alter the day/night cycle speed (835)
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You found out how to change day/night cycle speeds in the .lua file, awesome. I wonder if we could make the moon appear using the same .lua file? Any possibilities if that can happen?
v0.3 released. New features include:
* Change Saints Hideout level (218)
* Warp to most non-clothing, non-liquor stores (221-288)
* Make your Boss smell like hell and make civilians run away (832)
* Force the player into the passenger seat and take a hitch hike (833)
* Make your Boss disappear and reappear (834)
* Alter the day/night cycle speed (835)
I've been wondering why the saints hideout swap wasn't in regular sandbox plus.. I'm glad to have it now. I prefer the 2nd saints hideout many people miss out on since its in the 30 - 40 % completion range.
Also, the boss smelling bad was a feature in the game right? I know in Saints Row 1 they would comment on you if you didn't change for a few in game days.
I know they comment on you in both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of SR2 too.
Actually vanilla PC Saints Row 2 also had this, but disabled in GotR ("Stink no longer! by RedRage"). I have no idea where the smell setting is located...

And no, command 832 has nothing to do with "not changing clothes for a while". It is actually a feature from bh01 First Impressions.
The whole smell-thing was just my joke and the "codename" of this command I used when developing Sandbox++.

Regarding moon: I don't know... the only commands that affect the skybox are set_weather, set_time_of_day, and set_time_of_day_scale...
Sandbox++ v0.5 released. Enjoy vehicle on FIRE!


And yes, I found that Fight Club Arena Interior navpoint is always loaded in freeroam. Sadly this is not the case for other Activity, Mission, and hidden interior locations.