Saints Row IV Re-Elected on PC

For the crossplay lmao
Are you sure it's a REQUIREMENT? That's my main concern doesn't seem to be the case. (At least, from the second launch and onward.)
Can you revert back to the old version? i want to make sure i can go back before i update... i don't trust Epic crap.

Ok i think you can go back by right clicking the game "Properties" and in the Beta tab just select the Legacy version. Why the hell Epic insists on putting their virus on Steam games? this is like the second or third time they tried to sneak this crap on Steam, if i remember right Tomb Raider games also went through this but people didn't stop screaming and were forced to backtrack and remove it.
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Can you revert back to the old version? i want to make sure i can go back before i update... i don't trust Epic crap.

Ok i think you can go back by right clicking the game "Properties" and in the Beta tab just select the Legacy version.
Yea, you can but someone said it requires epic launcher for the legacy version as well. I recommend making a backup of the whole game folder
Regarding internals these are something I immediately noticed:

* The game no longer loads mission scripts (*.lua) from patch_compressed.vpp_pc :sigh:
* Zero Saints Thirty (m00.lua) and stream_grid.asm_pc is now relocated to "sr3_city_2.vpp_pc" which is new. This change was probably done for "play while the game is still downloading" feature for modern PS and Xboxes.
* Thanksfully the *.str2_pc and *.asm_pc files still appears to be in the same format.

Here is my first mod for this particular (Steam) version, "Prologue Skip", which auto-completes the first four missions that are needed to unlock freeroam. To install it just place all *.str2_pc files and stream_grid.asm_pc to the game's folder. Please tell me if it works for you. Thanks in advance.


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There seems to be a legacy version of SRIV in the beta tab, downloading right now to check if it's still working. My Resident Evil 3 Remake and Rise of the Tomb Raider both has mods require previous version of the game to work, hopefully this is the same case...hopefully.
Can you revert back to the old version? i want to make sure i can go back before i update... i don't trust Epic crap.

Ok i think you can go back by right clicking the game "Properties" and in the Beta tab just select the Legacy version. Why the hell Epic insists on putting their virus on Steam games? this is like the second or third time they tried to sneak this crap on Steam, if i remember right Tomb Raider games also went through this but people didn't stop screaming and were forced to backtrack and remove it.
Yea, you can but someone said it requires epic launcher for the legacy version as well. I recommend making a backup of the whole game folder

After some more testing, sadly I have to say I was wrong, the beta legacy version is not the same, when I tried to load some of the mods I had it either crash or loading forever, I previously mistaken EPIC Online Service as part of EPIC Game Launcher, EPIC Online Service seems to be mandatory but does not require me to login.
Steam decided i should be forced to update, now i'm screwed... i set the game to update only when i launched, but idiotically messed with the beta/legacy and it started going into to the LEGACY even when i did not even updated the game.
The Epic version of the game doesn't load workshop mods so putting them to "mods" folder is poitless. Just tested it :(