Saints Row 4 refused classification in Australia

The problem however is that it doesn't matter how asinine the restrictions are. Volition wants to sell the game. I mean, you'd want a lot of people to see the cool thing you made too, right? Australia is a big chunk of area. The result will be either slicing out the features to make it a bit more sanitized for the censors (anyone remember older Nintendo games with all the references to violence and drinking and everything removed? That's an example).. or releasing a separate localized version which is also a bit of hassle to do. Does Steam properly handle region-localized releases?

Besides, even if they'd like to go "Screw the censors, we'll do without Australia" and face the complaints they'll get (yes, they, many people are dumb and will blame them not the ratings body) they still are under a publisher who would like to, you know, sell games to people.

The funny part is the stuff they're censoring is more like they're doing it for a lower age group, like a teen audience. I can't imagine them giving this game anything less than a mature rating, which I assume the previous 3 games had. But then again, it's not like they're hired to be consistent in their ratings designations.. :rolleyes:

(Edit: Missed the part that Volition is releasing an "Australia Specific" version. Well, that's a bonus. I'd say the second 2 paragraphs still hold at least)
Why are people complaining about it being banned?Just buy the american version off amazon or something....
Not to mention it can be seized at customs.
So... Only Australia (and possible other ERMAHGERDDATSSEXUALWEMUSTBANEEEEEET countries) will get a censored/cut version, and the rest of the world gets the "actual" version (Uncensored, anal probes etc.)?
There's a reason practically every game with modding tends to say something along the lines of "Will not work on the German release" or "Does not work on the unpatched German release" or "Why does my game crash? Are you using the German release?"
They're very very famous for refusing to allow a lot of stuff and requiring completely sliced up gimped copies with features removed. (My favourite was Fallout 2 where to prevent child-killing.. they removed all the children. Except, well, there's a certain town where children pickpockets were everywhere, possibly the only reason anyone ever got the childkiller label. turns out removing the children sprites just made the pickpockets invisible and un-interactable. So your stuff would get stolen but now you couldn't ever get it back.)

Australia refusing classification like this is something big though. They already tend to pay far more for their games, and now they can't get them? This is going to cause some bigger complaints. Maybe eventually things will change, and this will be the start of the events that set off the Aussie Game Riots or something.
So... Only Australia (and possible other ERMAHGERDDATSSEXUALWEMUSTBANEEEEEET countries) will get a censored/cut version, and the rest of the world gets the "actual" version (Uncensored, anal probes etc.)?
There is also a possibility that New Zealand will get the Australian version, even though it hasn't been banned here. It's the same with a lot of games too and it's quite annoying at times. I also cannot find anywhere to pre order the Wub Wub edition here D:
There is also a possibility that New Zealand will get the Australian version, even though it hasn't been banned here. It's the same with a lot of games too and it's quite annoying at times. I also cannot find anywhere to pre order the Wub Wub edition here D:

Deep Silver confirmed that the wub wub special edition was only for consoles. There is no PC version.