(Finally) it is there, completely reworked from scratch. The mod that does a whole lot of shit and probably messes up the game files, for a better gameplay experience!
To begin with, I recommend to play any DLC without NPC mods that add NPC alts or other custom NPCs. The game might crash on certain missions.
-- The mod
This mod was first intended to spawn the past gangs the Saints faces only, but since Matty is on our side now, I left the Deckers out, and a lot of stuff got added around it too.
This mod works has all functions from Sandbox+ in it, aswell as GPZs Enhanced Gang Customization.
Also, you can wear your simulation clothing on the ship, and in the next version your kabinet probably also wear their super power suits!
Next to that, I have changed most of the gang customization to add other cars with Saints variant, and made changes to almost all gang grunts in the gang customization menu. Want shoot some thugs with your chief of staff, aka Benjamin Motherfucking King? Just do so! All your kabinet is available for selection. Plus Gat!
Anyone who always wanted to have his own Gat army can have one now! How cool is that!
-- Gang Attack!
I've also added something in the City LUA so that gangs, and other enemies of the past (Ultor, STAG, Military) will attack you at random!
Want to play it easy, no problem! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Ez has the timing and duration of attacks you might like.
Want to have long attacks with enough time in between to roam the (small) city of Steelport? We have that! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Endurance is exactly what you're looking for!
Want to shoot a lot of people, follow Gats footsteps and have fun spraying led over every motherfucker you remember? We have that! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Insane exactly does that!
Want to feel the heat so much you and your guns might overheat, we have that! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Lame Insanity gives you long lasting attacks, yet let attacks happen so often you might pass out! Overtake Gat's killcount with this one in no-time with this attack style!
-- PICS!!! (I like showing off :> don't hate :x)
-- Gang Customization

-- Gang Attack!

-- Decker Peds :OO
-- All I can say is: RAVE!!!

-- Install Instructions
Drop all the files in the root where the .exe of the game is (\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV).
-- For the Attacks
If you want to play easier attacks, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Ez and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
If you want to play long during attacks, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Endurance and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
If you want to play short attacks often, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Insane and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
If you want to play long during attacks often, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Lame Insanity and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
copy paste :>
Want to try any of the WIP files? Go ahead I won't stop you. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK however.
The Weapons & HitPoints and such are in there though.
So if you want to play with it, go to \WIP Files (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)\Weapons and Hitpoints and drop all 3 files in the root where the .exe of the game is.
Please, keep off the vehicle files though, they're in early WIP, and I'll be spending a lot of time on the variants and physics of the vehicles. Currently I have done like 7 of the 52 vehicles' variants, so I have a way to go yet.
-- Bugs
I would recommend to use this mod once you're able to freeroam in virtual SteelPort. Don't use it before that, this mod only intends to make freeroaming more fun after all.
Also, don't use this mod if you want to play the How The Saints Saved Christmas DLC missions! Activities work fine, but the game will crash on missions!
-- In the future (near future)
In the future, this mod will also give much more variety to the traffic, as, honestly, it's complete rubbish now.
Traffic variety and gang vehicle variety took 3 huge steps backwards in Saints Row 3 and 4, so it's time to see if we can do something about it now the cruncher is out. Gangs will get more vehicles, and variants will have more differences in bumpers, wheels, etcetera.
I will also create zin peds that will roam the streets and have their own special variants for the vehicles they drive. You'll easily spot their vehicles on the streets as they glow _bright_fucking_red_!
I will also create decker cyber peds. They will also get their own variants for the vehicles they drive. You can also spot their vehicles easily on the streets as they glow _bright_fucking_white_!
-- ADDED: In my opinion, the Vice Kings NPCs look a lot like the Westside Rollerz NPCs, now since there are Rollerz variants on certain cars, and some cars fit the Westside Rollerz theme so well, I might make a Westside Rollerz Gang.
-- Changelog
V1: *Hello world!
*Monster trucks, that's right, M-M-M-M-MONSTER TRUCKS spawn on the streets, aswell as zookeepers!
*Fixed the issue where the game would crash pre mission 14.
*Added changelog to the OP.
-- Download :OO
To begin with, I recommend to play any DLC without NPC mods that add NPC alts or other custom NPCs. The game might crash on certain missions.
-- The mod
This mod was first intended to spawn the past gangs the Saints faces only, but since Matty is on our side now, I left the Deckers out, and a lot of stuff got added around it too.
This mod works has all functions from Sandbox+ in it, aswell as GPZs Enhanced Gang Customization.
Also, you can wear your simulation clothing on the ship, and in the next version your kabinet probably also wear their super power suits!
Next to that, I have changed most of the gang customization to add other cars with Saints variant, and made changes to almost all gang grunts in the gang customization menu. Want shoot some thugs with your chief of staff, aka Benjamin Motherfucking King? Just do so! All your kabinet is available for selection. Plus Gat!
Anyone who always wanted to have his own Gat army can have one now! How cool is that!
-- Gang Attack!
I've also added something in the City LUA so that gangs, and other enemies of the past (Ultor, STAG, Military) will attack you at random!
Want to play it easy, no problem! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Ez has the timing and duration of attacks you might like.
Want to have long attacks with enough time in between to roam the (small) city of Steelport? We have that! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Endurance is exactly what you're looking for!
Want to shoot a lot of people, follow Gats footsteps and have fun spraying led over every motherfucker you remember? We have that! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Insane exactly does that!
Want to feel the heat so much you and your guns might overheat, we have that! Attack Files => Gang Attack! => Lame Insanity gives you long lasting attacks, yet let attacks happen so often you might pass out! Overtake Gat's killcount with this one in no-time with this attack style!
-- PICS!!! (I like showing off :> don't hate :x)
-- Gang Customization

-- Gang Attack!

-- Decker Peds :OO
-- All I can say is: RAVE!!!

-- Install Instructions
Drop all the files in the root where the .exe of the game is (\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV).
-- For the Attacks
If you want to play easier attacks, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Ez and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
If you want to play long during attacks, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Endurance and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
If you want to play short attacks often, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Insane and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
If you want to play long during attacks often, go to Attack Files\Gang Attack!\Lame Insanity and drop all files in the root where you dropped everything else, the root where the .exe is.
copy paste :>
Want to try any of the WIP files? Go ahead I won't stop you. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK however.
The Weapons & HitPoints and such are in there though.
So if you want to play with it, go to \WIP Files (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)\Weapons and Hitpoints and drop all 3 files in the root where the .exe of the game is.
Please, keep off the vehicle files though, they're in early WIP, and I'll be spending a lot of time on the variants and physics of the vehicles. Currently I have done like 7 of the 52 vehicles' variants, so I have a way to go yet.
-- Bugs
I would recommend to use this mod once you're able to freeroam in virtual SteelPort. Don't use it before that, this mod only intends to make freeroaming more fun after all.
Also, don't use this mod if you want to play the How The Saints Saved Christmas DLC missions! Activities work fine, but the game will crash on missions!
-- In the future (near future)
In the future, this mod will also give much more variety to the traffic, as, honestly, it's complete rubbish now.
Traffic variety and gang vehicle variety took 3 huge steps backwards in Saints Row 3 and 4, so it's time to see if we can do something about it now the cruncher is out. Gangs will get more vehicles, and variants will have more differences in bumpers, wheels, etcetera.
I will also create zin peds that will roam the streets and have their own special variants for the vehicles they drive. You'll easily spot their vehicles on the streets as they glow _bright_fucking_red_!
I will also create decker cyber peds. They will also get their own variants for the vehicles they drive. You can also spot their vehicles easily on the streets as they glow _bright_fucking_white_!
-- ADDED: In my opinion, the Vice Kings NPCs look a lot like the Westside Rollerz NPCs, now since there are Rollerz variants on certain cars, and some cars fit the Westside Rollerz theme so well, I might make a Westside Rollerz Gang.
-- Changelog
V1: *Hello world!
*Monster trucks, that's right, M-M-M-M-MONSTER TRUCKS spawn on the streets, aswell as zookeepers!
*Fixed the issue where the game would crash pre mission 14.
*Added changelog to the OP.
-- Download :OO
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