
  1. twu88l3sum

    Ultimate Homie Pack

    This pack adds 10 NEW Homies: Bloody Canoness, all 3 space homes, bondage zimos, masked angel, regular gat, ambulance and taxi UPDATE: adds oleg from the belgian problem (arrives in morning star criminal) and fixes Viola back to white sunglasses (arrives in morningstar infuego) each homie also...
  2. D

    Homies & NPCs homie driver

    Could it be possible to "order" a homie to drive us to a location on the gps like in certain missions ?
  3. Singa

    WORKSHOP Shaundi Tattoo Pack

    This mod is a compilation of my individual Shaundi tattoo mods for Saints Row IV. It adds Shaundi's tattoo from Saints Row 2 to her models from Saints Row: The Third in Saints Row IV. It contains: Fun Shaundi Tattoo Fix Future Shaundi Tattoo Fix Nude Shaundi Tattoo Fix Saints Row: The Third...
  4. Singa

    WORKSHOP Super Shaundi Tattoo

    This mod adds Shaundi's tattoo from Saints Row 2 to her superpowered outfit in Saints Row IV. You can find the full list of my Shaundi tattoo mods here: CLICK Screenshots: Installation: Steam: To install this mod through Steam, simply subscribe to it on the mod page and it will...
  5. Singa

    Shaundi Tattoo

    This mod adds Shaundi's tattoo from Saints Row 2 to her model from Saints Row: The Third. This also affects her different model during the bank heist intro. You can find the full list of my Shaundi tattoo mods here: CLICK Screenshots: Installation: To install the mod, move the 4 .str2_pc...
  6. Singa

    WORKSHOP Nude Shaundi Tattoo Fix

    This mod fixes the incorrect tattoo on the nude Shaundi model by giving her the correct one. This mod does neither give her nipples or other private parts, does not remove the blur from her model and does not make her model spawn. For those things you will need seperate mods from the adult...
  7. Singa

    WORKSHOP Saints Row: The Third Shaundi Tattoo

    This mod adds Shaundi's tattoo from Saints Row 2 to her model from Saints Row: The Third in Saints Row IV. You can find the full list of my Shaundi tattoo mods here: CLICK Screenshots: Installation: Steam: To install this mod through Steam, simply subscribe to it on the mod page and it...
  8. 3rdStreetSaint 212

    Homies & NPCs The Classics Are Back

    Not really bothered about any of my previous mod suggestions anymore. So I've came up with a short list of sub-mods (that are hopefully simple enough to make), that "should" keep me happy enough to stop posting similar mod suggestions to no avail. I know this mod might seem pointless to...
  9. 3rdStreetSaint 212

    Homies & NPCs Lin is a possible Homie in SR2

    I found a model that could be used for Lin. (On the Right... I said the RIGHT) Yeah, I know it's not perfect, but it's as close as I can get without following every single NPC around Stilwater to find a closer model. 1st Question: Can NPC Hairstyles be changed? (Not a major issue for me, if...
  10. Singa

    Bloody Cannoness Homie

    This mod adds Viola as the Bloody Cannoness to your cellphone as a seperate homie, just like how Josh and NyteBlayde are seperate entries. She will silently unlock alongside Viola after you complete the mission Gangbang. If you load a save that already has that mission completed, you will still...
  11. Singa

    Cypher Homie

    This is a WIP that adds Cypher as a homie to your cellphone, she doesn't replace another homie but is a new entry in the file. So far she uses a placeholder name and description, in the cellphone. She is called "SUIT - ULTOR ASSASSIN" with a matching description and uses a female Saints icon...
  12. Singa

    Gat Is Back

    This is a WIP that adds Johnny Gat as a homie to your cellphone, he doesn't replace another homie but is a new entry in the file. Known issues: There is no name and description for his cellphone entry, since we can't edit strings from the remaster yet. While he does perform his unique knife...
  13. CameronZimos

    Fulfilled Cypher as a homie

    Would it be possible for someone to replace a homie like cheapyd for example with the unused Cypher model
  14. Aquanort

    Ronin As Homie Mod

    One of my favorite gangs in the series. If I had to pick a gang other than The Saints to join it would be The Ronin.
  15. 3rdStreetSaint 212

    Dane Vogel Homie

    When first playing SR2, I hated Vogel, especially in the last mission. It took hundreds of attempts to damage his limo without my vehicle getting blown up by the cops, then even after getting past that part, I couldn't get past the attack heli. But after watching all the memes of him, I really...
  16. A

    Ability for the AI followers to revive players.

    This will be my last suggestion. I know it will be hard to edit the AI's, add the ability to make the player go into the bleed out state in singleplayer, but I want to know if you guys are interested in doing it.
  17. A

    Followers health in the HUD.

    I really like how in Saints Row 2 you can see your followers health. But now in Saints Row 3 and 4 it doesn't exist. So, I want to request an mod which makes the followers have the same health HUD like in Co-Op it is. Sorry for bad english.
  18. ravenaki

    How to edit my homie weapon?

    Hi, im new here. How to change my homie weapon like kinzie from shotgun to sniper. And also changed their clothes. I mean which files i need to change for their weapons inventory? Thanks.
  19. The Red Spider-man

    Fl1ppy Homie Mod/Custom Homie Mod

    I would like to see a mod where you can call Flippy as a homie, or be taught how to make a custom character into a homie so I could do it myself if its possible and more convenient on those who would make it. Thanks
  20. VSkyRimWalker

    Oleg's Birthday Suit

    Description We all know that the first time we meet Oleg, the guy is naked. And not ashamed of it either. Yet after this (pretty cool) scene, he puts on cloths and wears them always. This mod adds our naked buddy back to the game. Content - Adds a second contact for Oleg to the phone: Oleg -...