What originally brought you to Steam, and what game(s) did you get first?

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It was either Saints Row 2 or CoD: BO. I can't remember honestly. Been a member since June '11. Haven't spend much time and money on Steam around the last couple of years (I have spend around €260, I also only have like 43 games on Steam). Never have been a huge gamer, still ain't.
I initially downloaded Steam to grab the re-release of X-com: Ufo Defense for some quick nostalgia back in 2011.
I installed Steam especially for SRTT, then - if memory serves - purchased Sega Megadrive Collection and Fallout New Vegas GOTY (I still have to most of DLCs!).
Interestingly, back then I wasn't very fond of a fact that I had to install third-party DRM/game managing app just to play something. It didn't take too long for Steam features (Store, community options, sale deals, Steam Cloud) to win me over though.
I found out about Steam in 2006 when I wanted really bad to get Garry's Mod or any Valve game but I wasn't able to buy anything due to the paranoia my parents had about writing your credit card information on internet(I was 11 back then) .After 2 years of agony I finally convinced my parents to let me use one of their credit cards to buy The Orange Box from a website which sells videogames,resulting in my first steam account in 2008.After that they gained confidence in online shopping and after 2 months I finally got Garry's Mod (which was my favourite game back then).Damn so many memories...
I feel ashamed to say that my first Steam game was Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Let's just say that game is far behind me now.

I play exclusively on PC now, I haven't used my PS3 for years.

What I play mostly now is APB:Reloaded, Saints Row 2, Sleeping Dogs and GTA
Hah, my first game on Steam was Saints Row 2 - member since 7 August 2010. :) If you want know, next were Mafia II, Just Cause 2, Saints Row 3, Red Faction: Armageddon and Orcs Must Die! (in order). I had birthday party late in June (I was born in May, but I didn't have time to make a party), so I got Postal III, Sleeping Dogs, Prototype 2 and Portal Bundle.
Skyrim. I used to be a PS3 gamer until Skyrim bugs pissed me off so much that I made the switch to pc and never looked back.
Actually no, I think it was Portal 2 since the PS3 version could use Steam. It was supposed to include the pc version too (or so it said on the box), but it didn't. It was Skyrim that made me switch to pc.
My first account was made... well... by my younger (now 15 years old) brother to hack Steam for games... LAWL
He failed and the account was still brand new, so when I bought Mafia 2 he gave it to me, so I wouldn't waste time making a new e-mail acc (We were using the same e-mail account). In March 2012 the account was H44X3D (hacked) only for CS 1.6 (lol). Nikuw the Derp didn't know that he can have it back and he made a second account -.-. First game was TF2 and the struggle with 50 slot backpack because I didn't know how to use the Steam Wallet. First paid game for the 2nd account was SR:TT and in around February 2013 I got my 1st account back. No old friends, only other hackers suprised by the new avatar and the name "Nikuw <3 (PL)|OLD ACC" :3. And wut now? NOW I HAVE TO SWITCH ACCOUNTS AND THIS SUCKS.
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