[SRTT/SRIV/SRGOOH] Steelport Racing Club v2.5 (January 30, 2021) Custom Mission Mod

Steelport Racing Club v2.5
Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU
Download: src_v2.5.zip

=== Screenshots ===

src2.png SteelportRacingClubScreenshot.png

=== Description ===
This is a custom mission mod for Saints Row: The Third (SRTT), Saints Row IV (SRIV), and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (SRGOOH).
This mod aims to bring back one of the most interesting features from Saints Row 2... Street Racing.
Bring your own car, and pass all checkpoints as fast as possible in the racetracks of Steelport and New Hades.

This mod comes with 2 different editions: DX and Mini.
| Game/Edition Compatibility              | Mini | DX  |
| Saints Row The Third (2011)             | YES  | YES |
| Saints Row IV (2013)                    |  NO  | YES |
| Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (2015)      |  NO  | YES |
| Saints Row The Third: Remastered (2020) | YES? | NO  |
| Features                      |    Mini     |     DX     |
| Installation Steps            |   Simple    |  Complex   |
| Requirements                  |    None     |  SuperUI   |
| Compatibility with other mods |    High     |    Low     |
| HUD                           |   Limited   |    Full    |
| Start Location (SRTT/SRIV)    | Kinzie Crib |  Anywhere  |
| Start Location (SRGOOH)       |     N/A     |  Ultor HQ  |
| How to abort a race           |   Q Key x2  | Pause Menu |
| Can restart a race quickly    |     NO      |    YES     |
| Fake Co-op Partner            |     NO      |    YES     |
| Editor                        |     NO      |    YES     |

The DX edtion provides full functionality and replaces the following missions.
* "Return to Steelport" in SRTT
* "Hack the Planet" in SRIV
* "Collect the Blast Power" in SRGOOH
For DX edition, "SuperUI for SRTT Classic", "SuperUI for SRIV", or "SuperUI for SRGOOH" mods are required. As a result DX edition won't work with Saints Row The Third: Remastered.

The Mini edition works only with SRTT and provides limited functionality, but installation steps are simple, does not require SuperUI mods, is more compatible with other mods, and (although untested) might work with Saints Row The Third: Remastered.

* SRTT Classic: You can install either, but Mini edition is easier.
* SRIV: You must install SuperUI and DX edition.
* SRGOOH: You must install SuperUI and DX edition.
* SRTT Remastered: Mini edition is your only option.

WARNING: Mini edition conflicts with E3 Spawns!

NOTE TO MODERATORS: The Mini edition internally uses a Gat Mobile and a VTOL of "E3 Spawns" vehicles for on-screen waypoints. The "E3 Spawns" also spawns a Genki Manapult (a DLC vehicle). However, the Manapult is invisible, intangible, and destroyed as soon as it gets loaded. I hope it doesn't break this site's rules.

=== Installation of DX Edition ===
The DX edition requires SuperUI mod. Download them from these locations:
* SRTT: https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/17470/
* SRIV: https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/17714/
* SRGOOH: https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/18677/

Install SuperUI mod to your game's folder.

Default Steam Locations:
* SRTT: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third
* SRIV: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row IV
* SRGOOH: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row Gat out of Hell

After installing SuperUI, open "game_lib.lua" located in your game's folder using a text editor.
Find a line that contains "SUI_OVERRIDE_M07 = false", "SUI_OVERRIDE_MM_2_1 = false" or "SUI_OVERRIDE_MINTROTWINS = false".
Replace the word "false" to "true", then save.

After editing "game_lib.lua", copy this mod's "module_src.lua" to your game's folder.
Then follow game-specific instructions:

==== SRTT and SRIV ====
Copy "dx\sr3_city.lua" to your game's folder.

If you are currently using another sr3_city.lua mod, follow these instructions:
1. Copy "module_src.lua" to your game's folder BUT NOT "sr3_city.lua"
2. Open your sr3_city.lua with a text editor
3. Insert the following line at the top of the file:
4. Save sr3_city.lua and hope it works!

To play this mod, launch the game, load your save, open your cellphone or HUB (Tab key), then launch "Return to Steelport" or "Take Over a Store" mission.
Use Taunt, Compliment, or radio station keys to select a race, and push your USE key (E) to start.

During a race selection, push your Homie Recruit button (Z key) to toggle Fake Co-op Partner (a very incompetent AI racer).

==== SRGOOH ====
Copy "dx/sr4_5_city.lua" to SRGOOH's folder.

If you are currently using another sr4_5_city.lua mod, follow these instructions:
1. Copy "module_src.lua" to your game's folder BUT NOT "sr4_5_city.lua"
2. Open your sr4_5_city.lua with a text editor
3. Insert the following line at the top of the file:
4. Save sr4_5_city.lua and hope it works!

To play this mod...
1. Launch the game
2. Load your save
3. Call Vehicle Delivery from HUB (Vehicle Delivery might become unusable while in a mission, so it is recommended to call it beforehand)
4. Choose a vehicle you want to use in a race
5. Park the vehicle somewhere safe
6. Exit the vehicle
7. Go to the chair inside of Ultor HQ
8. Start "Collect the Blast Power" mission
9. Use Crouch, Reload, 1, 2, F1, or F2 keys to select a race, and push your USE key (E) to start.

=== Installation of Mini Edition ===
If you are playing Saints Row The Third: Remastered, install Loose Lua Patch first.

Copy "module_src.lua" and "mini\sr3_city.lua" to Saints Row The Third's folder.

Default Steam Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third

If you are currently using another sr3_city.lua mod, follow these instructions:
1. Copy "module_src.lua" to your game's folder BUT NOT "sr3_city.lua"
2. Open your sr3_city.lua with a text editor
3. Insert the following line at the top of the file:
4. Search the line that contains "function sr3_city_main()"
5. Insert the following line next to the "function sr3_city_main()":
6. Save sr3_city.lua and hope it works!

To play this mod, launch the game, load your save, go to Kinzie's Warehouse, then stand on top of a yellow marker.
Push Taunt, Compliment, or radio station keys to select a race, and push your USE key (E) to start.
If you want to abort the race during a gameplay, push Grenade/Super Power key (Q) twice.

=== Editor ===

An in-game race editor can be accessed from race selector in DX edition.
Due to the game's technical limitations (Lua scripts have no access to reading or writing files) there is no real "save" feature.
It is very strongly recommended to use the editor in SRTT (2011) with "debug_print functionality dll" mod installed and play the game in Windowed Mode:

The editor will work in SRIV too, but to save your work you'll have to take screenshots of "DATA DUMP" screens and then enter coordinates to module_src.lua by hand.

When you enter the in-game editor you'll be at the "EDITOR MAIN MENU".
From here you can enter the following submenus:

This menu can be controlled with the following buttons:
{Taunt}/{Previous Radio} Select previous menu item
{Compliment}/{Next Radio} Select next menu item
{Recruit} Confirm

The "spawn grids" is the locations where the players will teleport to after choosing a race and entering a vehicle.
The Local (Host) Player's grid is shown as a blue "Star" marker and the Remote (Guest) Player's grid is shown as an yellow "Hand" marker.

Use the following buttons to move spawn grids to somewhere safe and close enough to your racetrack:
{Taunt}/{Previous Radio} Set Player 1 (Local) Grid
{Compliment}/{Next Radio} Set Player 2 (Remote) Grid
{Melee}/{Horn} Warp to Player 1 Grid
{Grenade}/{Super Power} Warp to Player 2 Grid
{Recruit} Return to Editor Main Menu

A "starting grid" is the place where a race begins.
The starting grids have a "dist" parameter which determines the grid's collision size. 3 is usually a good choice, and is the default.

Use the following buttons to place starting grids:
{Taunt}/{Previous Radio} Set Player 1 (Local) Grid
{Compliment}/{Next Radio} Set Player 2 (Remote) Grid
{Melee}/{Horn} Warp to Player 1 Grid
{Grenade}/{Super Power} Warp to Player 2 Grid
{Primary Attack} Dist +1
{Fine Aim} Dist -1
{Recruit} Return to Editor Main Menu

This menu lets you place "race checkpoints" which is usually the most important part of a racetrack.

Like starting grids, each checkpoint has a "dist" parameter. A bigger "dist" value means that the checkpoint can be activated from a long distance.

The currently selected checkpoint is shown as an yellow "Hand" marker.
The previous checkpoint is shown as a red "Enemy" marker.
The next checkpoint is shown as a green "Protect" marker.

{Taunt}/{Previous Radio} Select Previous Checkpoint
{Compliment}/{Next Radio} Select Next Checkpoint
{Grenade}/{Super Power} Add a new checkpoint
{Melee}/{Horn} Replace the current checkpoint
{Reload} Remove the current checkpoint
{Primary Attack} Dist +1
{Fine Aim} Dist -1
{Recruit} Return to Editor Main Menu

==== DATA DUMP ====
Use this menu to help you "save" your racetrack.
If you're playing SRTT (2011) with the debug_print DLL, an almost ready-to-use Lua snippet (contains spawn_grid, starting_grid, and checkpoints) will be dumped to the DOS Prompt. You can copy-paste the snippet from DOS Prompt to "module_src.lua"'s SRC_WIP table's appropriate location to save your racetrack.

If you're not using the debug_print DLL, or playing in SRIV, you'll have to take screenshots of on-screen messages.
The on-screen messages contain all race-related coordinates currently used in the racetrack.
You can take screenshots of all page, then later enter the coordinates in "module_src.lua" by hand.
Use the following buttons to switch pages:
{Taunt}/{Previous Radio} Previous Page
{Compliment}/{Next Radio} Next Page
{Recruit} Return to Editor Main Menu

==== EXIT EDITOR ====
This makes you return to the race selector.
If you've placed at least 1 checkpoint, a new "WIP RACE" will become selectable. Choose this race to test your racetrack.
Your racetrack is preserved as long as your current game session is active (the mission can be exited and restarted without losing data), but will be lost if you load a savegame, return to main menu, or quit to desktop.

=== Credits ===
Mod by nclok1405
Thanks to IdolNinja, Fan of Saints, and other contributors of Sandbox+! I learned lots from them!
Thanks to Gibbbed, Minimaul, and VIPER VENOM for mod tools!
Thanks to takyaru for playing with me in co-op!
Thanks to Osprey22 for a racetrack "AROUND THE WORLD"!
Also, thanks to Volition for this great game series, as well as Kinzie's Toy Box Lua Document Page:
This is not always accurate but it still helped me.

=== Changelog ===
Steelport Racing Club v2.5 (January 30, 2021)
* Added support for Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Steelport Racing Club v2.4 (December 4, 2020)
* In DX edition, added proper "3..2..1..GO!" start countdown in SRTT. This requires SuperUI for SRTT Classic v1.6 or newer.
* Added a new racetrack "AROUND THE WORLD" by Osprey22. Thanks Osprey22!
* Changed Silver and Bronze medal sound effects in SRTT to something different than Gold.
* Added "10 seconds left" warning sound effects to Mini edition.
* Added checkpoint pass time difference message in multiplayer.

Steelport Racing Club v2.3 (December 2, 2020)
* Added a new racetrack "BRICKLOOP".
* Added an in-game editor (DX only). There is NO REAL "SAVE" FEATURE so SRTT (2011) with debug_print DLL mod is strongly recommended.

Steelport Racing Club v2.2 (November 29, 2020)
* Added "Fake Co-op Partner", DX edition only. During race selection, push Homie Recruit (Z) key to toggle the AI. Please don't expect any enjoyable gameplay with him...

Steelport Racing Club v2.1 (November 28, 2020)
* Fixed a bug where timers don't appear on Co-op guest's screen (probably)
* Added a new racetrack "GENKI DRIVING SCHOOL". A small bike or Toad is required.

Steelport Racing Club v2.0 (November 28, 2020)
* Massive rewrite. This mod now comes with 2 editions: DX and Mini.
* Added a new racetrack "JUMP TO SUBROUTINE". The previous track is now given a name "JIMMY'S SNAKES".

Old versions (before the massive rewrite):
Steelport Racing Club v0.4 (Aug 27, 2017)
* I played SRIV co-op in v0.3 (Thanks takyaru!) and unfortunately it did not work correctly.
What worked: Get in a car, teleport to racetrack, drive to starting grid.
What did not work: Gold Medal expires as soon as the race starts, the checkpoints have no collision detection.
The latter bug was caused by my oversight: I used a non-existent variable for checking between the partner and a checkpoint's distance. This bug is hopefully fixed in this version.
The former bug is probably something to do with sharing the HUD timer system between starting countdown and the Gold Medal timer.
So in order to counter this bug, I changed how the starting countdown looks and works. It now uses "Critical Timer" (Revive Your Homie Box) for displaying the countdown, but the actual countdown is being done on the main mission thread.
* Added checkpoint's radius display in minimap. It is not always accurate to the actual hitbox but it gives you a rough estimate of the checkpoint's size.
* Added horizontal speedometer bar in SRIV (doesn't work in SRTT). This is still an experimental feature and must be enabled by pressing the crouch button before getting a car.
* Extended Bronze Medal timelimit to 40 seconds so slower cars can still finish the mission

Steelport Racing Club v0.3 (Aug 25, 2017)
* IMPORTANT!! Moved the SRIV base mission to "The Real World". This is because starting "Hot and Cold" mission will reset the hotspot near Kinzie's Werehouse. Fixing this is technically possible with editing sr3_city.lua, but I instead moved the mission to "The Real World" because editing sr3_city.lua will interfare with Sandbox+ and possibly other mods. Due to replacing The Real World, which its script is included in Volition's patch, the str2_pc edition is no longer available for SRIV.
* Added an experimental feature: vehicle speed display using Combo HUD. To enable it, press the crouch button before getting in a car.
* Enlarged the third, fourth, and fifth checkpoint's hitbox so you are less likely to miss them.
* Disabled ambient cop and gang spawns.
* Mute the Boss' checkpoint quote after Bronze Medal time is expired. His/Her quotes do not make much sense after you fail.
* In co-op, the losing player will awarded 50% of winner's cash reward. ($500 for Gold, $125 for Silver, and $25 for Bronze)
* Radio resumes automatically after teleporting in SRTT.
* Make all drawbridges down (traffic enabled) in SRTT. The current racetrack is unaffected, but this change is intended for modders who want to create your own racetrack. It is important for bridges to down to ensure the track's compatibility with SRIV.
* I found that the ammo bug still exists for pistols, so I added temporary weapons as an another workaround. After the race, you will be given back your original weapons with ammo count sanitized.

Steelport Racing Club v0.2 (Aug 22, 2017)
* Enlarged second and sixth checkpoint's hitbox so you are less likely to miss them.
* Disabled random roadblocks.
* Player's vehicles are now automatically repaired before and after the race.
* Reduced the cash reward so it now matches with that of Saints Row 2: $1,000 for Gold, $250 for Silver, and $50 for Bronze.
* The number of players ready is now displayed in HUD when playing in co-op.
* Changed the messages "Host/Guest's vehicle was destroyed!" "Host/Guest player won!" to more appropriate "Your/Your partner's vehicle was destroyed!" "You/Your partner won!" when playing in co-op.
* Grenades are removed before the race in SRTT. You will get them back after the race. If for some reason they don't come back, you can buy their ammo from Friendly Fire to restore them, even after you unlock Infinite Grenades.
* Inserted a small delay before teleporting in SRTT. Now retrieving a vehicle from the crib garage works correctly.
* The vehicle now correctly and completely stops on the starting countdown in SRIV.
* Fixed a bug that would give you huge amount of ammo for pistol and SMG after saving and reloading in SRIV. This was proabably caused by disabling all weapon slots in v0.1. In v0.2, the player's currently selected weapon slot is automatically switched to unarmed, and only pistol and SMG slots are disabled.

Steelport Racing Club v0.1 (Aug 20, 2017)
* Initial release


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If you are having trouble, I made a version that overwrites "patch_compressed.vpp_pc".
This might be easier than regular edition because you don't have to update asm_pc files.
Please post if it works.
Also, could someone please report how well it works with co-op? The mission script accounts for the presence of the second player, but currently untested.


It works, great mod!:)

Edit: Nice code, full of helpful notes. Honestly I can't pull off anything like this from scratch, so I think this is pretty amazing.
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Updated the mod to v0.2. This version has several improvements, and the archive now contains both str2_pc and patch_compressed editions.
The archive is now in 7-zip format so please download a software that capable of extracting a *.7z file if you don't have one already.
Download is in the first post of this topic.

EDIT: v0.3 now available. Moved the SRIV version to The Real World so watch out.

Edit: Nice code, full of helpful notes. Honestly I can't pull off anything like this from scratch, so I think this is pretty amazing.
Well this is technically not 100% from scratch; I borrowed many codes from missions from vanilla games and Sandbox+.

EDIT2: Thanks MLVNRT for the amazing video! I can't earn a gold without a fully upgraded Attrazione.
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i was wondering about create groups of cars, npcs, for missions like that.

can u do a template/tutorial with call functions, timers and waypoints?
Steelport Racing Club v2.0 released. This mod has completely rewritten and now has a new racetrack!
Could someone please let me know if this mod works with SRTT Remastered or in Co-op? Thanks in advance.

custom mission? race? how you make custom mission?

and where do i find the "mod pack" instead of mission replay also it replaces sandbox+ I can't use outdated sandbox+
"how you make custom mission?": Lots of experimentations.
"where do i find the "mod pack" instead of mission replay also it replaces sandbox+ I can't use outdated sandbox+": For modpacks I was referring to things like Things To Do In Steelport. For Sandbox+, this mod doesn't replace it, but you'll need some manual editing of "sr3_city.lua" to make them coexist (it's a simple 1 or 2 line edit so don't worry)

i was wondering about create groups of cars, npcs, for missions like that.

can u do a template/tutorial with call functions, timers and waypoints?
For functions I use SR3 Script Actions Index as a reference. Tutorials and template... not yet.

EDIT: Steelport Racing Club v2.1 released. Hotfix + a new small racetrack.
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