Here's a simple mod manager that can install and uninstall mods individually as long as they don't have files that need to be merged. It's a simple Windows batch file, so you don't need anything special to run it. And it should work with ALL versions of Saints Row (3/4/GOOH).

Just create a folder structure like this, with each mod in a sub-folder under the new "Managed Mods" folder. Use a descriptive name for each mod folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV\
    Managed Mods\
       SRSimpleModManager.bat  <--  simple mod manager
       My Favorite Mod\
       My Second Mod\
       My Third Mod\

The files in each mod folder should be only the files you would normally copy to the Saints Row IV install folder. In addition, you may include a "tables" sub-folder in the mod folder if the mod requires it.

Then double click "SRSimpleModManager.bat" and you will see a list of your mod folder names and whether each one is currently installed ("[INSTALLED]") or not ("[---------]"), like the example below:


Type a mod number to install or uninstall that mod. If it's currently installed, it will prompt you to confirm and then remove it. If it's not installed, it will install it.

When you install a mod it copies the files in the selected mod folder to the Saints Row install folder. When you uninstall a mod it deletes only the files in that mod from the Saints Row install folder.

The installer will not install a mod over an existing mod. You must first uninstall the existing mod.

There are a few limitations to this very simple mod manager:
  1. It can't handle merging .xtbl or .asm_pc files. *
  2. It can't deal with mods that put files in places other than the install root folder or the "tables" sub-folder. *
  3. The displayed mod list won't page, so if you have more than a screen full of mods (about 20), the list will scroll off the top.
* There are ways to do this with scripts, but it requires some knowledge of batch files.

A little more detail:
  1. A mod is listed as INSTALLED only if all of the files in the mod folder exist in the Saints Row install folder and have the same sizes and timestamps as the files in the mod folder. You can't uninstall a mod that isn't listed as INSTALLED, so there's little risk of deleting files that are part of a different mod.
  2. A mod will not install unless all of the files in the mod folder do not exist in the Saints Row install folder. If even one file exists in the Saints Row install folder, no files will be installed and a message will be displayed "Can't Install -- Mod conflicts with existing files."
  3. The Simple Mod Manager logs all operations it's doing to a file named "smm.log" in your "Managed Mods" folder. This file will keep growing, so you may want to delete it periodically.
If you already have a bunch of mod files in your Saints Row install folder, you can move or copy them into appropriate sub-folders under "Managed Mods" to make them easier to manage. Also, you don't have to manage all your mods with this tool. You can just manage some of them.

IMPORTANT: If you remove a mod folder from "Managed Mods" or change its contents while the mod is installed, you will NOT be able to uninstall the mod using the Simple Mod Manager. If you need to update a mod, uninstall the old version FIRST, then update the files, then install the new version.

As always, I'd be interested in hearing any feedback on this tool. I know there are other mod managers out there, but my goal with this was to keep it really simple. Let me know if you find it useful. Thanks!

To use the Simple Mod Manager and this tutorial, you will need at least a basic knowledge of how to use Windows File Explorer to copy and move files, and to create folders.

How do I set up Simple Mod Manager for the first time?
  1. Create a folder called "Managed Mods" in your Saints Row install folder.
  2. Copy "SRSimpleModManager.bat" from this package into the "Managed Mods" folder.
Where's my "Saints Row install" folder?
  • For Saints Row The Third: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row The Third
  • For Saints Row IV: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV
  • For Saints Row Gat Out Of Hell: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row Gat out of Hell
Note that these are the default locations, and can be changed.​

How do I add a new mod to Simple Mod Manager?
  1. Read the instructions that came with the mod (usually a "readme.txt" file). If the mod requires you to install any files in folders other than the Saints Row install folder or the "tables" sub-folder, then stop. You can't use Simple Mod Manager for this mod (that's not entirely true, but we'll say it is).
  2. Create a new folder for the mod in "Managed Mods". Use a descriptive folder name, usually the mod name.
  3. Copy the files from the mod package into your new mod folder (only the files you would normally copy to your Saints Row install folder).
    Now you can install and remove the mod extremely easily any time you want just by running Simple Mod Manager. See "How do I install a mod into Saints Row?" below.
How do I install a mod into Saints Row?
  1. Run "SRSimpleModManager.bat" by double clicking on it.
    The menu of all mods will be displayed, along with their installed status.
  2. Select a mod that's not currently installed from the menu (listed as "[---------]").
    The mod will be installed. During the install process, you will see some messages go by and then the menu again. The menu will now show this mod as "[INSTALLED]".
If the mod conflicts with any mod file's in your Saints Row install folder, it won't let you install the mod, so it won't break any existing mods.​

How do I remove (uninstall) a mod from Saints Row?
  1. Run "SRSimpleModManager.bat" by double clicking on it.
    The menu of all mods will be displayed, along with their installed status.
  2. Select a mod that's currently installed from the menu (listed as "[INSTALLED]").
  3. Confirm you want to remove the mod when prompted.
    The mod will be removed. During the uninstall process, you will see some messages go by and then the menu again. The menu will now show this mod as "[---------]" (not installed).
How do I manage a mod that's already in my Saints Row install folder?
  1. Create a new folder for the mod in "Managed Mods". Use a descriptive folder name, usually the mod name.
  2. Determine which files in your Saints Row install folder belong to that mod (you only have to do this once).
  3. Copy the files into the the mod folder you just created in "Managed Mods".
  4. Run "SRSimpleModManager.bat" and the mod will show as INSTALLED.
How do I update a mod that's already in "Managed Mods"?
  1. Uninstall the mod if it's already installed (see "How do I remove (uninstall) a mod from Saints Row?" above). This step is very important!
  2. Update the files in mod folder.
  3. Install the updated mod (see "How do I install a mod into Saints Row?" above).
What if I get the message "Can't Install -- Mod conflicts with existing files" when I try to install a mod?
  1. First, you'll need to determine which mod it conflicts with. The message means there is another mod installed that has one of the same files that is in your new mod, so you'll have to do a bit of searching to find the conflicting file.
  2. If the conflicting mod is also in your Managed Mods list, you can uninstall that mod first and then install the new mod.
  3. Otherwise, keep checking this thread because I have some solutions (which I use myself), but they require additional tools to be installed.
What if I decide I don't like Simple Mod Manager and want to remove it?

WHAT?!?!?! :eek:
  1. First, run "SRSimpleModManager.bat" and install any mods you want to keep if they aren't already installed.
  2. Delete the whole "Managed Mods" folder.

Version 1.0 [2015-02-24]:
  • Initial release
Version 1.1 [2015-02-26]: (see post #5 below)
  • Added support for install and remove scripts (batch files).
Version 1.2 [2015-03-11]: (see post #14 below)
  • Now supports the "tables" sub-folder for mods that need it.
  • Includes support scripts so Simple Mod Manager can now be used to manage Sandbox+ and other mods that need to replace ".vpp_pc" files in "packfiles\pc\cache".
  • Supports a new optional configuration file which allows your Managed Mods folder to be stored anywhere on your hard drive (doesn't have to be in the game's install folder).
  • Creates a log file so you now have a record of exactly what files were installed/removed.
  • Renamed to "Simple Mod Manager" instead of "Ultra-Simple Mod Manager".
Version 1.3 [2016-04-17]:
  • Fixed a bug which would fail to install mods that have files in the "tables" directory but no files in the base directory.
  • You can now press Enter to refresh the mod list (in case you add or remove mod directories while this is running), or enter "Q" to quit.
Version 1.3.1 [2017-01-04]:
  • Fixed a bug that prevented detection of installed mods where at least one file had a caret (^) in the file name.


  • quantum_simple_mod_manager_v1.3.1.7z
    4.4 KB · Views: 2,156
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Great idea ,but i wouldn't call it "ultra simple"

I'm thick as a brick and this requires some editing before u can use it :)
'Ultra simple' would be more of a easy point and click thing wouldn't it ?
Ok, as Einstein once said, "it's not that difficult" :)
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Maybe "Ultra-Simple" was a bit too strong a word (or is that 2 words). But it's certainly not anymore complicated than Einstein's Theory of Relativity! :D
You don't actually need to edit anything, but you do have to shuffle files around a bit. But once you get everything all neatly organized into folders, it's much easier to keep track of.

I decided to make this because my Saints Row 3 and 4 root folders were full of mod files and I didn't know what files went with which mods. It took a bit of work to sort them all out into folders, but now that it's done I can keep track of my mods, and add and remove them much more easily. Hopefully it's helping you too!

And if you want to make it even easier to run, right-click on the "SRSimpleModManager.bat" file in your "Managed Mods" folder, select "Send to" > "Desktop (create shortcut)". Now you'll have a nice icon on your desktop called "SRSimpleModManager.bat - Shortcut" that you can click on any time to run the Simple Mod Manager.

I'm glad you got it working. :)
New Version 1.1 released (2015-02-26):

I've released a new version 1.1 which adds some advanced features listed below. These features are entirely optional, and everything else works exactly the same as version 1.0. These features are for advanced users only. If you don't understand this post, then don't worry about it.

Each mod folder can contain a "scripts" sub-folder with one or more of the following optional batch files:

install1.bat - Runs before the mod is installed.
install2.bat - Runs after the mod is installed.
remove1.bat - Runs before the mod is removed (uninstalled).
remove2.bat - Runs after the mod is removed (uninstalled).​

When each batch file runs, the current working directory is set to the same "scripts" directory the batch file is located in. In addition, the following environment variable is available in the batch file:

%srDir% - Fully qualified path to the "Saints Row" install directory.​

The "scripts" directory can contain support files which are used by the batch files in addition to the batch files themselves.

Some examples of how these batch files can be used include:
  1. Run "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" to update the ".asm_pc" files.
  2. Install or remove files not located in the Saints Row install folder.
  3. Run patch scripts to update ".xtbl" files.
This is a clever addition ,thanks Qantum.
I'll keep watching and see where it goes :)
Anything that can make life a bit easier with multiple mods is def. a good thing.
Though i have a feeling it's a hard one to crack.
I'm not a modder ,but respect for the work.
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The following instructions are for advanced modders only. They apply only to Saints Row IV and Saints Row Gat out of Hell. DO NOT try this with Saints Row The Third!

WARNING! As Minimaul has pointed out, the "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update" tool will BREAK any mod that adds items to an ".asm_pc" file, such as his clothing mod, so DO NOT use this technique if you have ANY mods with items added!
You can still use the Simple Mod Manager as described in Post #1 above.

Here's how to rebuild ".asm_pc" files automatically when you install or uninstall a mod with Simple Mod Manager (requires version 1.1):

First, install Minimaul's Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell tools such that the file "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" is in your Windows PATH. If you don't know how to do this step, then stop now.

Next, identify the mods that have ".asm_pc" files that conflict with other mods. For each of those mods, do the following:

Remove any ".asm_pc" files from the mod's folder in "Managed Mods". Once we set everything up, the ".asm_pc" file(s) will be generated automatically whenever we install or uninstall this mod. Any ".asm_pc" files supplied with the mod should no-longer be used.

Add a new "scripts" sub-folder to the mod's folder with two files, "install2.bat" and "remove2.bat", each containing the following code:
@ECHO. | ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update "%srDir%"

This will cause the "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" tool to run after installing the mod and after uninstalling the mod, so the ".asm_pc" files will always be updated to reflect the current files in the Saints Row install folder.

Note: The leading "ECHO. |" prevents the "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" tool from waiting for you to press a key to continue.​

And, of course, many thanks to Minimaul and his hard work in creating these great modding tools.

Questions/comments are welcome!
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The following instructions are for advanced modders only. They apply only to Saints Row IV and Saints Row Gat out of Hell. DO NOT try this with Saints Row The Third!

Here's how to rebuild ".asm_pc" files automatically when you install or uninstall a mod with Simple Mod Manager (requires version 1.1):

First, install Minimaul's Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell tools such that the file "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" is in your Windows PATH. If you don't know how to do this step, then stop now.

Next, identify the mods that have ".asm_pc" files that conflict with other mods. For each of those mods, do the following:

Remove any ".asm_pc" files from the mod's folder in "Managed Mods". Once we set everything up, the ".asm_pc" file(s) will be generated automatically whenever we install or uninstall this mod. Any ".asm_pc" files supplied with the mod should no-longer be used.

Add a new "scripts" sub-folder to the mod's folder with two files, "install2.bat" and "remove2.bat", each containing the following code:
@ECHO. | ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update "%srDir%"

This will cause the "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" tool to run after installing the mod and after uninstalling the mod, so the ".asm_pc" files will always be updated to reflect the current files in the Saints Row install folder.

Note: The leading "ECHO. |" prevents the "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" tool from waiting for you to press a key to continue.​

And, of course, many thanks to Minimaul and his hard work in creating these great modding tools.

Questions/comments are welcome!
This will break my clothing mod (as an example). Actually it'll break anything that adds a new entry to an ASM rather than just changing an existing one.
This will break my clothing mod (as an example). Actually it'll break anything that adds a new entry to an ASM rather than just changing an existing one.
Thanks, Minimaul. I have added a big red warning to the post so people see it right away.

I'll have to read through some of your recent posts about the tool more thoroughly. I started looking at your C# source code to see how some of these tools worked, and I am really impressed you have done a TON of work on these! I mean, I know people see the results, but I don't think non-programmers can fully appreciate all the work that's gone into those tools. Much appreciation for all the work you've done for this site!

The update tool works great for the case where no mods add anything, but I know that's a very narrow case.
If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Thanks, again!