Mission Hotkeys Add-on (Sandbox+)

What is it supposed to do anyway?
It's a cycle. The first time you press the hotkey, it makes you immune to any damage. The second time disables ragdoll and running on fire. The third one makes you mortal once again. ;)
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I'm pretty sure it did work in my original release, although I don't take any responsibility for that add-on.

The God mode hotkey doesn't work it just disables the HUD.

HUD disabled, remember don't use the mission hotkey if your on the right mission that has name on in the hotkey
If you mistakenly press the mission hotkey you have to load the game again because the hotkeys in the sr3city_ lua is mix up with mission and free-roaming hotkeys
If you mistakenly press the mission hotkey you have to load the game again because the hotkeys in the sr3city_ lua is mix up with mission and free-roaming hotkeys
Wouldn't it be easier to just put mission_is_active() checks so the hotkey triggers only if specific mission is on?
HUD disabled, remember don't use the mission hotkey if your on the right mission that has name on in the hotkey
If you mistakenly press the mission hotkey you have to load the game again because the hotkeys in the sr3city_ lua is mix up with mission and free-roaming hotkeys
It isn't classified as a mission hotkey so I used it during free mode.

(Fix sandbox_message, when it read "sandboxmessage" on MISSION_WEAPONS for Roddy's, and Asha's weapons not showing up it's replace sandboxmessage into sandbox_message)