After the events of Saints Row, I was disappointed that Lin died, as she seemed like a rather interesting character.
I then moved onto Saints Row 2, and after meeting Shaundi, I was like: "Lin who?"
Then in Saints Row The Third, Shaundi prettied up for the cameras, which distracted Gat from flying the plane, resulting in his death... So I lost all interest in the game.
Then I moved onto Saints Row IV, where Shaundi developed a Virtual Split Personality, allowing Fun Shaundi to return. Then shortly after, I found out that Zinyak took control of Gat's plane and flew it back to his ship. Which made me wonder who the hell I was calling up, to one-punch my enemies into oblivion, in SRTT.
But that got me thinking, Gat's death was off-camera, and was therefore... Unconfirmed. Well, Lin's death was also off-camera... So I played through the campaign, hoping that, like Gat, it would eventually be revealed that Lin was still alive, and aboard the Zin Ship... Nope.
I then waited for DLC to start becoming available. And when I saw Donnie on the cover of ETD... I thought, there's no way they would release DLC containing Donnie, if it didn't contain Lin... Wrong again.
My eventual point is...
It's now been several years since the release of Saints Row IV, and the DLC has stopped coming, but if a Lin DLC pack was possible for SRIV, all I'd need to be satisfied is:
- A Cutscene: Explaining Lin's miraculous survival, only to be abducted by Zinyak
- A Nightmare Mission: Where you enter Lin's Nightmare Simulation to rescue her
- A Rescue Mission: Where you fight your way through the Zin Ship to rescue Lin
- A Crew Position: So Lin would appear somewhere aboard the Saints Ship (probably the Lockers opposite Gat), so you can interact with her, and have a romance with her
- A few Homie Idle Lines: So it doesn't feel like I just have some lifeless follower with no personality (Aka. Josh Birk & Nyte Blayde)
- And finally, a Loyalty Mission: Where Lin gains her Super Powers
If this was a possibility, I would definitely pay for it.
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