Saints Row IV Character height

Azellz said:
If use "set_character_giant(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)" - character shrinks.
If use "character_set_giant(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)" - character don't shrinks, but floating in the air.
Haha, I tried this too. I was all happy when I saw the height wasn't shrinking and then I tried moving...
If you read the lua from Pierce's mission you'll get a little insight in to the problem of floating in the air. Apparently the giant functions disable gravity, looked into the problem before and didn't get much results, but I recommend reading through the script if you want some more help.
If you read the lua from Pierce's mission you'll get a little insight in to the problem of floating in the air. Apparently the giant functions disable gravity, looked into the problem before and didn't get much results, but I recommend reading through the script if you want some more help.
that not Fully true.
once they move, ther reset to ground. unless they super jumped.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in SRTT when you changed character_definitions, your jump didn't take you anywhere. For the brief moment you're gigantic when you log in, SRIV let's you fly way far

Also, in SRTT when you change character_definitions, you have to change camera_free or else you can't see anything. In SRIV it seems as if the camera follows you in scale

Is the SRIV character_definitions that much different?
Me with the Lasersword.
I have got gravity using a lua-function, but I can't jump and run.