NPC behaviour and spawn mod

An issue with the mod is that melee weapons on civilians tend to be buggy. They will equip a baseball bat or penetrator for a second and then de-equip it. It will go back and forth and they will never actually swing it. It might be a good idea to remove those weapons until that can be resolved. I ran into the same issue myself and was trying to find a way to fix it.

You may also want to consider increasing the chances that car accidents will make the drivers aggressive. That's the surest way to start a war outside of your character causing trouble.
Hmm... I don't want to be a d*ck and only point out problems, but there's also one weird thing that I noticed. When I drive pull pony cart (congratulations on making them work btw!) and have Space Amazon as a follower, she "gets in" the cart by standing on the seat. What may be causing that? She doesn't have the same animation sets as other Saints?
I just uploaded a new version. V4 tweaks the civilian behaviour some more, they should react more aggressively towards car accidents now, although all civilians are now slightly less aggressive. I'm going to leave the melee weapons alone for now, as I usually see civs using melee weapons correctly more often than I see the bug. If more people want me to take them out, I will next version. V4 also adds some new vehicle variant spawns, and slight tweaks to the mascot civilians cheat.
V5 is up. I added a couple more vehicle variants, and added another weapon to the saints' and deckers' arsenal. Biker behaviour was also changed.
The problem i have with this mod is that after i installed it and said continue in the main menu... It crashes
Any suggestions as to why?
Do you have other mods installed that use those files? Like GPO or Pixel's zombie mod? Are you playing the Steam version of the game?
hey nice mod! just found 1 thing. there are some civilians that can kill me with 1 punch. it doesn't happen often. i don't know if they have a melee weapon equipped but the damage is a bit too high i guess. i don't use any health point or damage reduce upgrades btw.