TODX files and what they do

These files are overrides for the time of day in the simulation. They are often prefixed with a mission name or a preset and contain the same data as weather stages, but have a few extra parameters such as color correction files and film grain parameters. These files have obsoleted weather.xtbl which now only contain data for controlled hoods, alien hoods, and the Warden rain effect.

These overrides can be forced through functions with mission_override_push_temp( "" ) but must have the time of day set to 00:30 for any night overrides, 05:00 for pre-dawn, and 07:00 for morning. The time can be found in every file.

They can be cleared with mission_override_clear_all_temp() and is required to load more.

As setting the time of day through functions doesn't work anymore, this is the only way to affect the weather and time in IV. All the parameters are listed here that I have researched.

<mission_name> = Reference name Volition most likely used in the world editor. Has no effect at all.
<time> = Desired time of day. Values are 0-23.
<fog_density_offset> = Float-point that defines how thick fog should be. Should be in-between 0 and 1.
<lut_filename> = Color correction file to load.
<fog_atmosphere_scale> = Affects atmosphere in the distance. Once again a float-point value.
<fog_color> = RGB color of the fog. Once again a float-point value. Color divided by 255 and then rounded gets the value used for this.
<tod_light_color> = RGB color of direct environment light. Once again a float-point value. Color divided by 255 and then rounded gets the value used for this.
<ambient_color> = RGB color of ambient shadows. Once again a float-point value. Color divided by 255 and then rounded gets the value used for this.
<clouds_front_light_color> = RGB color of the front of clouds in the sky. Once again a float-point value. Color divided by 255 and then rounded gets the value used for this.
<horizon_mountain_fog_color> = RGB color of distant terrain. Once again a float-point value. Color divided by 255 and then rounded gets the value used for this.
<clouds_horizon_rear_light_color> = RGB color of the base of clouds. Once again a float-point value. Color divided by 255 and then rounded gets the value used for this.

More to come when I have time.
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This is very handy, thanks. I've been having issues with getting a cycle going of all the ToDs with Sandbox+, and I think it's because I wasn't setting the actual time needed.

Nope. Still the same problem where the ToD will start correctly but fade back into the previous one. The easiest one to see this on would be the mothership:
           set_time_of_day(5, 00)
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This is very handy, thanks. I've been having issues with getting a cycle going of all the ToDs with Sandbox+, and I think it's because I wasn't setting the actual time needed.

Nope. Still the same problem where the ToD will start correctly but fade back into the previous one. The easiest one to see this on would be the mothership:
           set_time_of_day(5, 00)

Yeah I was having this problem too. I'm not sure how to fix it. I was thinking maybe the override could be forced through the interface on the computer in the ship (or at least find out what makes it not change through that), but I'm not sure where that's stored.