Super Ethical Pack v5 Remastered

so sandbox+ is Broke when i type a command the game crashes and also im playing on both versions epic games version and the steam version and when i press a number on my keyboard the game crashes to pls i need help
The new updates broke Sandbox+
The new updates broke Sandbox+
Classic Weather and TOD does not work with latest update, makes visuals all black.
I suppose until we get a fix and if it's possible to even fix these issues, we could downgrade in the meantime. I know of a method for the steam version with the help of SteamDB but I forgot how to pull it off as it has been a while since I did this and I was doing it for the first time too.
Is there any place where I can see all the differences of the shades? I just installed the ReShade Program and I don't know what all of these things do to the game :D
Isn't the shader preset supposed to change the look of the game? Or is it only the choice of the presets in that ini? I thought that one preset would instantly change the look without me having to chose and activate them myself because I have no idea which one I have to activate so the games looks better xD
found a UI bug with FART IN A JAR (flashbanglvl4), where the icon in weapon wheel doesn't show up properly.
removing the 'weapon_upgrades.xtbl' file from this mod pack (can be found in 'SUPER ETHICAL PACK REMASTERED v4.rar\SUPER ETHICAL PACK REMASTERED v4\Optional mods\WEAPONS\Improved Weapons\') seem to fix it.
guess the bug is rooted to that?



  • Lvl1with'weapon_upgrades.xtbl'.png
    7.1 MB · Views: 883
  • Lvl4with'weapon_upgrades.xtbl'inmenu.png
    919.2 KB · Views: 243