Stilwater, Steelport or (??)

So we all know that another 4th Saints game is coming out somtime hopfully this year.

Has anyone heard anything of were it will be in?

Steelport, Stilwater or maybe a new city?

I hope it's Stilwater.
Lets hope for another City i mean playing in the same city over and over again seems kinda boring IMO
definitly another city. sr2 was purely in stilwater due the coma witch alowed the other gangs to take over. and when there was no coma, they had to move on. thus the next game will play in another non-existend island with 3 gangs and some swat team from hell like the STAG and masako
Well, it's probably gonna have three mostly connected islands in the middle of an ocean, with some vague differentiation of locale (downtown, residential/suburbs, industrial).. and you'll fight three gangs who are based in those areas each. They seem to like that formula, and to be fair it works.

As for WHERE it is, that's not so important. I preferred Stillwater to Steelport because it felt.. bigger. More involved, more to it. Not sure why, but that's my impression. Doesn't mean I want a return to Stillwater over any other new locale, it just means I want them to get that feel again wherever it is.

Question then is what to go for the Saints, except the same "Oh some gang comes and takes over your stuff and you have to rebuild your empire". What'd be interesting would be say break the mold with TWO areas. Stillwater or Steelport.. AND the new area. You can do stuff in both, but the missions are more of the new one, and it's sort of a combatitive resource war mixed with combat. Where you'd run missions in their 'town' to take some of their area and gain control and resources, or do ones in your own to improve your own, and they'd do attacks so you'd have to stop them too, and those would come to specific 'story missions' that would lead to the story and actual major changes. Kind of like the whole respect-threshold system from before but in a more tangible form (you can do skydiving for 'xp' levels like in 3, but can also do say a stronghold assault for territory and money and add "control" which lets you get the next big mission like in 2)

Just my thoughts. In other words.. both and none of the above. :D

Sadly that's probably way more work than would be done, and while they'd find it fun too, that's the sort of thing that they look at at the start of development and say "Ah, too ambitious, sorry, stick to the one localle so the map designers don't strangle you in your sleep"
I think it should be in both cities, Steelport and Stilwater. That would be amazing, even add another city with the others. They could make a teleporter at the airport in each city bringing them to the other city. That would make my game better
I honestly dont think 4 will be out this year, and as for where and the size I guess that will all depend on what the devs limit themselves too. If theyre gonna do it for this generation of consoles then dont expect anything much bigger than 3 is, cause no doubt they will use the same plan as they did for 3 - same limitations for pc version as the console versions. If they make 4 for the next gen consoles then its a whole new ballgame, but also would be years before its made.
If I were writing it, I'd set it between Stilwater and Steelport, with teleports at the airports. Here are some ideas for gangs:
*Syndicate Remnant: The syndicate was an international organization. Taking out the Morningstar, Luchadores and Deckers just made their main gang angry. Specialist type: Brutes with Luchadore Grenade Launchers. They start out in control of the airport island in Stilwater and New Colvin in Steelport.
*Ultor Saints: Shortly after the events of SR3, the suits at Ultor decided that the Boss was too much of a liability. They convinced about half the Saints to side with them, forming a separate gang led by our old pal Dex. Specialist type: Masako snipers. These guys start out in control of Stilwater, except for the airport.
*STAG Insurgents: Motivated by the deaths of Kia and possibly Cyrus, a number of STAG operatives went rogue and are now a terrorist organization. Specialist type: STAG Elite. They start out in control of the Guard Armory, but during the boss's first mission in Stilwater, they take over all of Steelport except New Colvin.
Hm. Could see some of that.. but personally I expect any STAG thing to relate to what they decide to choose for the ending. If they pick the 'good' ending and Shaundi is alive, then the STAG will stay out for the time. They vow to be back but it'd come to light that Kia was behind stuff and STAG would shut down in disgrace. They'd send someone new in, but it wouldn't be the same.

If they go for the 'bad' ending and you went for revenge.. then STAG would probably be sent as a paramilitary wing to attack. The US army would be involved too to invade the city-state of Steelport.. and they'd probably have STAG as this group who has no trust of the army and in fact is working against them and vice versa (akin to how they're played in the game, but moreso). So you'd actually get to play both sides against each other and some of the more corrupt types would be happy to do that for more power and such. Something very much like what's happened in, well, every game when you have someone in a position of power not of a gang but other organization. Rule of thumb for the Saints Row universe: Everyone in power is corrupt.

Although, that makes me wonder now. Early in the game they have that Senator Hughes Memorial Bridge that gets attacked and all, right? Isn't that supposed to connect Steelport and Stilwater? If so... where is it? Where did it connect? I don't recall anything even resembling a bridge spot during the game, it just pops up for one mission in a cutscene then is gone.. apparently built without a trace and demolished as quickly.
And then on that matter, where is the actual bridge on the world map? Is it near the bank-heist section of Stilwater off the edge of the map, or elsewhere unrelated?
I think it should be in both cities, Steelport and Stilwater. That would be amazing, even add another city with the others. They could make a teleporter at the airport in each city bringing them to the other city. That would make my game better
Or like in Justcause 2, take the plane, like a boss.
I think it should be in both cities, Steelport and Stilwater. That would be amazing, even add another city with the others. They could make a teleporter at the airport in each city bringing them to the other city. That would make my game better
Like San Andreas.