Generally Awesome
This is a save file editor, which includes the functionality of my previous Garage Manager. Load a file, make changes, and save it. Push the garage button on the right to access the Garage Manager.
Current version: 2.2
· Added a Homies tab to edit which homies are unlocked. Also fixes the bug where a homie is permanently busy. Just load and save the file.
· Added an automatic fix for the SR3 bug that prevents co-op client saves from using Mission Replay. Just load and save the file.
· Added importing and exporting player appearance. Only includes face, body, and current clothes; does not include wardrobe, voice, and taunts. This means you can finally have a sex mismatch in your voice, hooray.
· Added a New Game + button. This resets missions, activities, properties & stores, and cribs. It doesn't reset upgrades, collectibles, money, respect, or garage vehicles. Use this at your own risk. This is a big feature, and i cannot test it completely myself. ALWAYS back up your saves before editing. As far as i can tell, upgraded weapons don't break missions 2 and 3 like we thought they did, so maybe that has been fixed somehow, or maybe i didn't test it right. Be aware that they might prevent you from breaking the plane window and from buying ammo in those missions.
Java Requirement: 1.7.0
This program requires Java 7. If you do not have it, or if you have trouble running the program (most commonly an error about the "main class"), download and (re)install the version 7 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from here:
Step 1 is always making a backup of your save file(s).
After that... Things are not always really straightforward. The program favors simplicity in design, but editing the save file has a few tricks to it. Here's a rundown of how it all works:
Player tab
Here you can adjust your money, respect level, and various multipliers that affect things like the damage you take from attacks.
Money: Works just as it says. The game tracks cents, though you can never see it.
Respect Level: Although you can alter your respect level here, it does NOT change what upgrades are available to you. You will have to update those on the Upgrades tab. I believe what the game does is turn on the "available" flag for upgrades when you reach the level they require, but if you are skipping levels with the editor, it doesn't know.
Multipliers: 1.10 means +10%, 0.90 means -10%. Hover your mouse over the "?" boxes to see what the normal values you encounter during the game are. You can make the game harder for yourself by increasing the damage you take above normal, or setting the notoriety decay rate to lower than normal. (Note: I know where melee damage is, but it behaves strangely, and will not be included until we understand how it works. I didn't find a "cash gained" multipler, at least not in the same part of the file.)
Weapons tab
Here you can change the upgrade level and unlock status of each weapon. Note that very few of the weapons listed can actually be available at your crib. They only show up at your crib if they are designed to. I believe the game marks any weapon as "unlocked" once you have used it once, hence the vehicle and temporary weapons showing up as unlocked in some cases.
The optional reward weapons are "Killbane_gloves" (apoca-fist) and "satchel" (satchel charges).
Warning: Weapons will only accept an upgrade if it actually exists. For example, setting the sword past level 1 will simply leave it at level 1, in the game.
Warning: You can only upgrade 50 weapons past level 1. Any beyond that will be ignored. You should therefore only be upgrading weapons that you know have more than one level.
Warning: While you can set DLC weapons to unlocked, they presumably only show up if you actually bought them.
Upgrades tab
All the upgrade slots are listed here. Upgrades work a little strangely. The good news is that you CAN turn off dual-wielding and stuff like that. I don't know about the Vampire neck-bite thing. I don't have that DLC.
"Available" means that you can buy it in your phone. If the upgrade is one that would normally never appear until you get it (such as DISCOUNT - WEAPONS), then setting it to available will make it appear in the phone, and probably be $0. If it's one that does normally appear, then "Available" means that you have reached the appropriate level. This is the flag you pay attention to when changing your respect level, because the game won't automatically change the availability flags when you edit your respect level.
"Unlocked" means the upgrade is in effect. Altering this does not always do what you might expect. Here are some examples:
· Deselecting one of the "DUAL WIELD" upgrades will turn off dual wielding appropriately, but you must open your weapon cache and switch weapons in the slot, in the game, for it to realize the change.
· Selecting or deselecting a DAMAGE resistance upgrade will not necessarily alter the amount of damage you take! You need to go back to the Player tab and adjust the multiplier accordingly.
· Even in my 100% complete save, i don't have all the upgrades, such as "BONUS - CASH BOOST". I don't know whether or not it works. Since it's apparently not a normal part of gameplay, it might not work. It might even set your cash bonus to 0; i have no idea, so use it at your own risk. The same goes for upgrades that reference the Euro gang, which of course does not exist in the game: they may not work properly.
Warning: Upgrades not normally obtainable may not function properly.
Warning: Again, unlocking DLC things does not work unless you actually bought them.
Pretty simple, you choose whether each homie is available in your phone. Note that Taxi and Emergency (Ambulance) don't really work right.
Here you can alter the ownership status of every territory in the game. They are grouped by district, then by neighborhood. You can give the city back to the gangs if you want to.
Warning: Ownership of the territories is divorced from activity completion. Activities will not be un-completed for you if you deselect territories. You probably have to use the save editor to get it back again, although i did not try re-completing an activity.
Import/Export Appearance
This lets you import or export your character's appearance, which includes the body and clothes. Your voice and taunts will remain the same as before.
Garage Manager
You can access a garage manager with the "Garage" button on the right side.
The save editor will automatically fix the bug that causes homies to be permanently busy.
It will also automatically fix the bug that causes saves to be unable to use Mission Replay.
Known Issues:
I think i have seen the garage editor fail to display any vehicles on rare occasions. Just close and re-open the garage editor if that happens.
The "C" in the name is for Corrodias, because i do not have a clever name for the program, but "Save Editor" is too generic, in case anybody else makes one.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
The source code is hosted on Bitbucket as an IntelliJ project.
Version History
v2.0: first release of the full editor
· Changed the maximum number of garage slots from 92 to 97.
· Fixed the wrong index being used for vehicles, which would mess with both rearranging and exporting vehicles.
· Fixed the "Aircraft" filter not working, and renamed it.
· Added a Homies tab to edit which homies are unlocked. Also fixes the bug where a homie is permanently busy. Just load and save the file.
· Added an automatic fix for the SR3 bug that prevents co-op client saves from using Mission Replay. Just load and save the file.
· Added importing and exporting player appearance. Only includes face, body, and current clothes; does not include wardrobe, voice, and taunts. This means you can finally have a sex mismatch in your voice, hooray.
· Added a New Game + button. This resets missions, activities, properties & stores, and cribs. It doesn't reset upgrades, collectibles, money, respect, or garage vehicles. Use this at your own risk. This is a big feature, and i cannot test it completely myself. ALWAYS back up your saves before editing. As far as i can tell, upgraded weapons don't break missions 2 and 3 like we thought they did, so maybe that has been fixed somehow, or maybe i didn't test it right. Be aware that they might prevent you from breaking the plane window and from buying ammo in those missions.
· Increased the garage size to 99.
· Fixed the inability to save.
Ideas for future versions:
· toggle the cheat flag
· NG+: clear alternate spawning flags, to get rid of zombies
· filter out vehicle weapons, and possibly removing the level changer from weapons with no upgrades
· add the infinite sprint flag toggle, as well as the multiplier
· optionally display the list of saves by name and time, as the game does
· maybe add a feature to set all collectibles to collected -- would anyone really care about that?
· make sure the appearance import/export is using exactly the right bytes
· add a personality export/import
· add full homie control
· read from xtbl files instead of using static lists for things like homies and weapons
· add a control for the health regeneration delay
· add a control for the melee damage multiplier and make sure it works right. doesn't affect throw distance.
· add a control for the firearm inaccuracy multiplier
· maybe import/export outfits?
· batch import/export entire garages/folders of vehicles/outfits
· let the user sort the cheat menu
· select all/none on upgrades tab
· change stats that don't affect gameplay
Download stats for the curious:
v2.1: 4,360 + 806 source
Current version: 2.2
· Added a Homies tab to edit which homies are unlocked. Also fixes the bug where a homie is permanently busy. Just load and save the file.
· Added an automatic fix for the SR3 bug that prevents co-op client saves from using Mission Replay. Just load and save the file.
· Added importing and exporting player appearance. Only includes face, body, and current clothes; does not include wardrobe, voice, and taunts. This means you can finally have a sex mismatch in your voice, hooray.
· Added a New Game + button. This resets missions, activities, properties & stores, and cribs. It doesn't reset upgrades, collectibles, money, respect, or garage vehicles. Use this at your own risk. This is a big feature, and i cannot test it completely myself. ALWAYS back up your saves before editing. As far as i can tell, upgraded weapons don't break missions 2 and 3 like we thought they did, so maybe that has been fixed somehow, or maybe i didn't test it right. Be aware that they might prevent you from breaking the plane window and from buying ammo in those missions.
Java Requirement: 1.7.0
This program requires Java 7. If you do not have it, or if you have trouble running the program (most commonly an error about the "main class"), download and (re)install the version 7 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) from here:
Step 1 is always making a backup of your save file(s).
After that... Things are not always really straightforward. The program favors simplicity in design, but editing the save file has a few tricks to it. Here's a rundown of how it all works:
Player tab
Here you can adjust your money, respect level, and various multipliers that affect things like the damage you take from attacks.
Money: Works just as it says. The game tracks cents, though you can never see it.
Respect Level: Although you can alter your respect level here, it does NOT change what upgrades are available to you. You will have to update those on the Upgrades tab. I believe what the game does is turn on the "available" flag for upgrades when you reach the level they require, but if you are skipping levels with the editor, it doesn't know.
Multipliers: 1.10 means +10%, 0.90 means -10%. Hover your mouse over the "?" boxes to see what the normal values you encounter during the game are. You can make the game harder for yourself by increasing the damage you take above normal, or setting the notoriety decay rate to lower than normal. (Note: I know where melee damage is, but it behaves strangely, and will not be included until we understand how it works. I didn't find a "cash gained" multipler, at least not in the same part of the file.)
Weapons tab
Here you can change the upgrade level and unlock status of each weapon. Note that very few of the weapons listed can actually be available at your crib. They only show up at your crib if they are designed to. I believe the game marks any weapon as "unlocked" once you have used it once, hence the vehicle and temporary weapons showing up as unlocked in some cases.
The optional reward weapons are "Killbane_gloves" (apoca-fist) and "satchel" (satchel charges).
Warning: Weapons will only accept an upgrade if it actually exists. For example, setting the sword past level 1 will simply leave it at level 1, in the game.
Warning: You can only upgrade 50 weapons past level 1. Any beyond that will be ignored. You should therefore only be upgrading weapons that you know have more than one level.
Warning: While you can set DLC weapons to unlocked, they presumably only show up if you actually bought them.
Upgrades tab
All the upgrade slots are listed here. Upgrades work a little strangely. The good news is that you CAN turn off dual-wielding and stuff like that. I don't know about the Vampire neck-bite thing. I don't have that DLC.
"Available" means that you can buy it in your phone. If the upgrade is one that would normally never appear until you get it (such as DISCOUNT - WEAPONS), then setting it to available will make it appear in the phone, and probably be $0. If it's one that does normally appear, then "Available" means that you have reached the appropriate level. This is the flag you pay attention to when changing your respect level, because the game won't automatically change the availability flags when you edit your respect level.
"Unlocked" means the upgrade is in effect. Altering this does not always do what you might expect. Here are some examples:
· Deselecting one of the "DUAL WIELD" upgrades will turn off dual wielding appropriately, but you must open your weapon cache and switch weapons in the slot, in the game, for it to realize the change.
· Selecting or deselecting a DAMAGE resistance upgrade will not necessarily alter the amount of damage you take! You need to go back to the Player tab and adjust the multiplier accordingly.
· Even in my 100% complete save, i don't have all the upgrades, such as "BONUS - CASH BOOST". I don't know whether or not it works. Since it's apparently not a normal part of gameplay, it might not work. It might even set your cash bonus to 0; i have no idea, so use it at your own risk. The same goes for upgrades that reference the Euro gang, which of course does not exist in the game: they may not work properly.
Warning: Upgrades not normally obtainable may not function properly.
Warning: Again, unlocking DLC things does not work unless you actually bought them.
Pretty simple, you choose whether each homie is available in your phone. Note that Taxi and Emergency (Ambulance) don't really work right.
Here you can alter the ownership status of every territory in the game. They are grouped by district, then by neighborhood. You can give the city back to the gangs if you want to.
Warning: Ownership of the territories is divorced from activity completion. Activities will not be un-completed for you if you deselect territories. You probably have to use the save editor to get it back again, although i did not try re-completing an activity.
Import/Export Appearance
This lets you import or export your character's appearance, which includes the body and clothes. Your voice and taunts will remain the same as before.
Garage Manager
You can access a garage manager with the "Garage" button on the right side.
I've put together a simple garage editor. You can't edit the vehicles themselves. However, you can rearrange, delete, export to file, and import from file all vehicles (except DLC reward vehicles, which aren't stored in the normal garage data). Fill your garage with 92 spectres for all i care!
All vehicle types share garage data space, so cars, planes, helis, and boats will all be on the list. Vehicles are displayed by their in-game name.
We can't add arbitrary vehicles, because the customization data is not yet fully understood. That's why the export function is there. You have to have a vehicle in your garage, which you can then export.
Las0mbra put together a pretty comprehensive collection of exported vehicle files for your convenience! Thanks for that.
Exporting vehicles lets you save them to a file, and importing vehicles lets you add vehicles to your garage from exported files.
The program saves the last colors you used in a file called colors.txt. If you want to reset to the default colors, delete the file.
You can select multiple lines by holding shift and clicking or using the keyboard. The move up/down and export buttons properly process multiple selections.
You can drag individual vehicles to move them on the list.
The save editor will automatically fix the bug that causes homies to be permanently busy.
It will also automatically fix the bug that causes saves to be unable to use Mission Replay.
Known Issues:
I think i have seen the garage editor fail to display any vehicles on rare occasions. Just close and re-open the garage editor if that happens.
The "C" in the name is for Corrodias, because i do not have a clever name for the program, but "Save Editor" is too generic, in case anybody else makes one.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
The source code is hosted on Bitbucket as an IntelliJ project.
Version History
v2.0: first release of the full editor
· Changed the maximum number of garage slots from 92 to 97.
· Fixed the wrong index being used for vehicles, which would mess with both rearranging and exporting vehicles.
· Fixed the "Aircraft" filter not working, and renamed it.
· Added a Homies tab to edit which homies are unlocked. Also fixes the bug where a homie is permanently busy. Just load and save the file.
· Added an automatic fix for the SR3 bug that prevents co-op client saves from using Mission Replay. Just load and save the file.
· Added importing and exporting player appearance. Only includes face, body, and current clothes; does not include wardrobe, voice, and taunts. This means you can finally have a sex mismatch in your voice, hooray.
· Added a New Game + button. This resets missions, activities, properties & stores, and cribs. It doesn't reset upgrades, collectibles, money, respect, or garage vehicles. Use this at your own risk. This is a big feature, and i cannot test it completely myself. ALWAYS back up your saves before editing. As far as i can tell, upgraded weapons don't break missions 2 and 3 like we thought they did, so maybe that has been fixed somehow, or maybe i didn't test it right. Be aware that they might prevent you from breaking the plane window and from buying ammo in those missions.
· Increased the garage size to 99.
· Fixed the inability to save.
Ideas for future versions:
· toggle the cheat flag
· NG+: clear alternate spawning flags, to get rid of zombies
· filter out vehicle weapons, and possibly removing the level changer from weapons with no upgrades
· add the infinite sprint flag toggle, as well as the multiplier
· optionally display the list of saves by name and time, as the game does
· maybe add a feature to set all collectibles to collected -- would anyone really care about that?
· make sure the appearance import/export is using exactly the right bytes
· add a personality export/import
· add full homie control
· read from xtbl files instead of using static lists for things like homies and weapons
· add a control for the health regeneration delay
· add a control for the melee damage multiplier and make sure it works right. doesn't affect throw distance.
· add a control for the firearm inaccuracy multiplier
· maybe import/export outfits?
· batch import/export entire garages/folders of vehicles/outfits
· let the user sort the cheat menu
· select all/none on upgrades tab
· change stats that don't affect gameplay
Download stats for the curious:
v2.1: 4,360 + 806 source
Last edited: