Saints Cops v0.13 *10-34 in progress, requesting SWAT assistance*

mod updated to v0.11, basically just added the Hammer and the Eiswolf to the list.



A handy dandy feature that Volition put in the code is that no matter what order I place them on the list the game alphabetizes the vehicles. Not bad, Volition.

As I noted in the update to the original post, please let me know if you come across any other vehicles with a 'saints' variant in code and I'll add it to the list. Adding the vehicles with gang variants already in the game to the list is literally easier than jotting it down to remind myself to do it later.
I can add the <Destructor> to the list if it's a Saints variant vehicle but I'm wary of how unbalancing this might be for gameplay.

I've been spending most of my time trying to hack a Saints Pacemaker into the game, and seem to have hit a brick wall regarding it. I may have to wait till Volition releases more tools.

I might make an optional version of the file with the <Destructor> if it's easily done.
Aaaand done. :P

<Destructor> is now on the gang customization list.


It seems to be somewhat buggy, which I'll describe below. Most of the problems appear to stem from the size of the vehicle, but there's a few other oddities.

It MAY have been a bug caused by another mod (which I deleted before further testing), but the first time I placed it onto the list, I changed all my gang cars to <Destructors>, and it seemed almost like no Saints were spawning AT ALL. Upon further testing it appears that the <Destructor> might tend to/only spawn on large (multi-lane) roads, which may be due to it being flagged in the system as a type of truck.


Later testing showed that the <Destructor> has a hard time navigating small roads, and occasionally will run over pedestrians who are simply walking on the sidewalk, despite being in the 'middle' of its lane. It will also barrel over street lamps and other objects without hesitation, and will crush cars that get in its way and do not move, after a short pause. This can lead to small (and one-sided) skirmishes breaking out between ZPD and the <Destructor>, which is an interesting side effect.

Another side effect which is odd is that if you have notoriety and the Destructor spots the Command CID, it will begin barraging it relentlessly, sometimes ignoring other enemies in order to do so, and often firing into crowds of civ peds. If that behaviour bothers you this probably isn't for you, as I don't know how to address it.

An interesting 'feature' of the tank is that you can use a low powered weapon (like, say, the rapid pistol) to 'tag' an NPC (including a *driven* vehicle) near it and it will begin firing upon said NPC, occasionally wreaking extended havoc while doing so, likely because the NPC you fire upon is tagged as hostile as soon as you assault them. This effect has a short radius, however. I doubt it'd be possible to trigger this while sniping, for instance. The <Destructor> will not fire on an NPC if you fire upon them with a superpower, at least from my testing with Blast and Stomp, and I assume if you shoot them with a weapon while Buffed it will still act as normal.


(Above: a Saint in a <Destructor> kicking the shit out of a garbage truck because I shot it.)

I've never seen a Saint get out of the tank, so it's possible that they won't aid you on foot unless you call them (which I did not think to test).

I would recommend if you decide to use the <Destructor> as a gang vehicle that you add other vehicles to your list and do not use only the <Destructor>, but hey, it's your call.

I'll upload this one as an 'optional' version alongside the v0.11 in case someone doesn't want the <Destructor> on the list. Just install it instead of/over the old one if you want to use it.


New Update, file is in the first post, which I've reworked greatly, adding more screenshots and info. I've decided that I'll leave the <Destructor> in there and if any of you don't like how it affects gameplay you can just not use it :p

I'm rather excited to add the SWAT Backup back to the Homie phone menu! There's pics in the first post, but something worth noting is that they arrive in a FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE Lockdown, which happened to have some surprises for me when I drove it down to the local Rim Jobs:


**IMPORTANT: SWAT Backup does NOT (yet) arrive in the pimped-out vehicle you see above, this is simply to show the modification options available on the Lockdown**

I'm fairly surprised to find so much that's available in the code for making your Saints have a police style to them, that's just apparently cut content. I'm hoping to add these and other options to the mod proper once we get some tool releases for SRIV. I really want SWAT to arrive in something like that, don't you?

I'm also wondering if it'd be possible to make these vehicles spawn with their lights on, or for Saints to emulate the police and turn on their sirens when you have notoriety. If anyone has any thoughts on this, please let me know.

In the meantime, keep on Serving and Protecting, Saints.
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Police Gunslinger and Pacemaker also allow to apply Saints decals. So do Solar and Infuego, with the latter missing such a decal in its Saints variant.
Police Gunslinger and Pacemaker also allow to apply Saints decals. So do Solar and Infuego, with the latter missing such a decal in its Saints variant.
I'm aware of the Gunslinger and Pacemaker Saints decals. The fact that they have Saints decals, however, does not mean they have Saints =variants=. A variant is a specific vehicle built in code that the game can summon up. Gang vehicles MUST be Saints variants, the game will balk if they are not.

Unless I get a hand with building variants from someone at Volition or someone a lot more practiced at this than me, the Gunslinger, Pacemaker, and Lockdown will have to wait until Volition releases tools, otherwise I'm at a bit of a brick wall. I will have to take a look at the Solar and Infuego Saints decals and consider building variants, though. They might be worth adding to the to-do list.

[edit] having taken a look... it's not impossible (for the future). I do note that the Infuego fleur decal is not centered like most of the other Saints fleurs are, but is instead slightly off kilter. I'm not sure if that was an intentional design choice by the devs or just an accident. Personally it bugs me, but not so much I'd refuse to build an alternate variant with the fleur if enough people wanted it.

I'm not too crazy about the Solar in the first place, I feel like it doesn't have very clean lines. But it's definitely possible to hack a Saints variant of it that looks like it was meant to be in the game.
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When we finally get our hands on variant crunching tool, I'd rename these "average" variants of Saints N-Forcer and Saints Crusader to "Saints". Or make a duplicate if renaming won't be possible.
renaming wouldn't be smart, I was planning to make take the plain Saints N-Forcer and build an identical saints variant.
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