Hello everyone, I am new to modding these games and this is my first ever posted mod that alters the amount of ammo you can carry and their prices to be similar to Grand Theft Auto V/Online.

I decided to increase the amount of ammo you can carry to be around 10,000 for weapons like the assault rifles and SMGs since that's how much you can carry in GTA V. It's A LOT, yes but if the "much more realistic" GTA can have that much ammo, why not the already-ridiculous Saints Row? I also made the prices similar to how much they cost in GTA Online as well.

This mod will not work if you have infinite ammo unlocked and activated already. You also won't have the max 10,000 rounds at level 1 & 2 but you will still have A LOT to shoot at level 1!


Max ammo for the Assault Rifles (and anything else that isn't considered heavy) with grenades (ammo level 3):

Saints Row  The Third Remastered Screenshot 2021.09.03 - (2).png

Max ammo for the Annihilator RPG and grenades (ammo level 3):
Saints Row  The Third Remastered Screenshot 2021.09.03 - (2).png

How to install - After downloading, unzip the RAR folder then copy and paste the ammo.xtbl file into your game's directory/root folder (where SRTTR.exe is).
How to uninstall - Simply delete ammo.xtbl from the game root folder.

I hope you enjoy this mod. Again, I am new to modding and this is my first one released so please feel free to comment about what you think and point out any errors or changes I should make with this mod and I will (try) to make an updated version!



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