GeoMod engine?

Does SRTT and SRIV use the GeoMod 2.0 engine? I've read that you decided not to include a fully destructible environment due to size and complexity of the city, but did you just avoid using the engine's destruction capabilities or removed it from the version of the engine used for Saints Row, or did you actually use a different engine?

Because, if SR uses the same engine as RFG or RFA, can we still make destructible objects like in Red Faction? I don't mean making an entire destructible environment. only select parts like houses or pieces of buildings.
We are not legally allowed to use GeoMod in the future. The engines have a common ancestor, but there is no GeoMod stuff in the Saints Row engine. It is very much a non-trivial amount of stuff to get GeoMod working so including it inside the Saints Row engine would just be troublesome.
We are not legally allowed to use GeoMod in the future.

That's weird. In LA, Steve Jaros told me that you guys kept all the rights to the GeoMod engine, and Nordic only got the IP rights to Red Faction
That's weird. In LA, Steve Jaros told me that you guys kept all the rights to the GeoMod engine, and Nordic only got the IP rights to Red Faction
I'm no lawyer of course, but my understanding was that GeoMod as a Volition product was dead. Maybe I am wrong.
Too bad, the GeoMod engine is very nice. But concerning "destruction", I've just played the Trouble with Clones DLC in SRTT and I've got some ideas about a post-apocalyptic setting. Would it be possible to animate entire buildings to collapse during cutscenes? It doesn't have to be very realistic, but to see the skyscrapers in the city collapse would be very nice. On top of that, is it possible to change the appearance of the city itself, not like in specific missions or single buildings (like when blowing up Syndicate Tower or upgrading the cribs), but the entire city? Like, if the skyscrapers have collapsed, the city would lie in ruins with debris everywhere. Would it also be possible to cause a citywide blackout, or only specific districts?

I know I'm asking a lot, but since I've heard the news about the SDK, which I wanted ever since I started playing Saints Row 3, I simply need to know about certain limitations to avoid the hassle of trying things out only to realize I can't do it.

Thank you very much for deciding to release an SDK and I hope we fans can do great things.
We are not legally allowed to use GeoMod in the future. The engines have a common ancestor, but there is no GeoMod stuff in the Saints Row engine. It is very much a non-trivial amount of stuff to get GeoMod working so including it inside the Saints Row engine would just be troublesome.
Oh dear i hope you're wrong i want next gen Saints Row with RF Guerrilla destruction system in it. If it's too taxing try to add some destructable buildings and some solid buildings for shops and other important stuff
Aw man. I haven't played mech mayhem yet, but I can just imagine what that would be like with destructible buildings. I would never leave the mech.
Telekinesis mayhem is super easy. The trick is not to grab the ball and throw it.

The trick is to grab the ball with your powers.. and hold it. Then, proceed to super-speed through everything (objects, fences, people, vehicles...) with the ball ahead of you. Since the ball is the one doing the damage, at super-fast speed, it counts for your score. Moreso since you're constantly plowing through stuff with no pause (well, almost no pause, if you're not fast enough you won't be past the car when it's exploded and you'll ragdoll) your multiplier screams. Heck, you can even just stand in place and swing about at some nearby fences and destructables to wrack up multiplier before you plow through traffic.

Of course, now we need geomod, and telekinesing a drill ahead of you, as you superspeed along and plow a nice circular tunnel through cars, buildings, landscape... :cool:
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