Game crashing, tried everything.

Game crashes whenever I open a menu (wardrobe, weapons etc). I've tried everything, removing mods, uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing works. Help!
You probably missed a str2_pc or asm_pc file then from a previous interface mod. Try deleting all the loose files in your sr4 root where the exe is (including it), but leave the subfolders. Then verify integrity of game cache. This should only need to redownload ~100Mb of data and a 100% way of making sure you didn't miss anything.
You probably missed a str2_pc or asm_pc file then from a previous interface mod. Try deleting all the loose files in your sr4 root where the exe is (including it), but leave the subfolders. Then verify integrity of game cache. This should only need to redownload ~100Mb of data and a 100% way of making sure you didn't miss anything.

I've deleted everything in the root folder except for the 3 folders, CommonRedist, packfiles and videos. Verified cache, still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
I've also figured out that it crashes when I try to save, or the game autosaves.
Is there any chance that you have done something in the packfiles?