Female Player Animation Replacer for SRGOOH

Female Player Animation Replacer for SRGOOH changes the default female player animations in Saints Row Gat out of Hell to that of the female player animations from Saints Row 4. It works best with "Cheats + Phone + Store menu in Gat out of Hell" by Erza Scarlet, which allows the player to use a custom character. Most of the animations won't look right using "Kinzie Kensington".

The original female player "Dual Wield" animations have not been replaced, because the Saints Row 4 female player animations don't work well with the Dual Wield Diamond Sting SMG and Dual Wield Energy Caster weapons. Included is a variant which doesn't replace the pistol animations, this allows the player to still use the single Diamond Sting SMG without the animations looking awful, because of the large size of the Diamond Sting SMG. (The pistol run animations have been replaced however).
Streaking animations have also been included, and work for both males and females.

Installation: Unpack the attached archive and copy the contents from either "With Original Dual Wield and Pistol Animations" or "With Original Dual Wield Animations Only" to "\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row Gat out of Hell" (where SaintsRowGatOutOfHell.exe is located) replacing any files (remember to make a backup of the files first).

There are two different variants:
With Original Dual Wield and Pistol Animations: Original female player "Dual Wield" and "Pistol" Animations have not been replaced (all other female player animations have been replaced).

With Original Dual Wield Animations Only: Original female player "Dual Wield" animations have not been replaced (all other female player animations have been replaced).

Extras: The contents of this folder are for customizing Female Player Animation Replacer for SRGOOH (and aren't required for the mod to function). To install these files choose which animations you want to use, then copy the contents to "\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row Gat out of Hell" (where SaintsRowGatOutOfHell.exe is located) replacing any files. To uninstall these files, simply delete the "plyf.XTBL" file inside the "tables" folder.

(04.02.2015) V1.0 - Initial release.
(10.02.2015) V1.1 - Added to Extras: Optional female player idle animations.

(pistol animations)

(idle animations)

(new female player idle animations are here!)



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Female Player Animation Replacer for SRGOOH V1.1 has just been released. And new female player idle animations are here!

(10.02.2015) V1.1 - Added to Extras: Optional female player idle animations.
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