cyrus mission voice for player?

Is it possible to create a mod that changes or replaces player voice (male voice 3) with cyrus voice (as it was in my name is cyrus temple mission) in the open world?(only in the game not in cutscenes) I tried to do it with audio banks.xtbl and audio personas.xtbl but I failed.
thanks and sorry for my bad English.
is it possible to add this feature in idolninja's amazing sandbox mod (in sr3_city.lua)? when you change your outfit to cyrus temple ? someone please answer me I need help on this
Voice isn't dynamically created. You would only have access to those specific lines he says in the mission. The only way I can think of to do that would be to dump the audio banks, convert them to wav, and swap files around so the cyrus ones replace certain player ones. It would be a major pain in the ass.
thanks but I'm sure there would be an easier way to do this with adding something like (set local player voice : m17 , etc.) in sr3_city.lua . I'm sure I can find something in m17 files like m17.lua . I have a request : could you upload m17.lua and some other files that belong to m17 for me please?
oh I finally did this successfully! I extracted them and found this code inside m17.lua:

-- Set the persona situation override for the player dressed as Cyrus.

and I added this inside sr3_city.lua and It worked!
thanks to all of you for helping me on this!