All Homies Superpowered (with DLC support)

You know what I don't get? I don't get why the extra unlockable Homies are not superpowered. I'm not talking about Pierce, Shaundi, etc. before you complete their Loyalty missions, I'm talking about the Homies unlocked by those missions. Cyrus, Tanya, Veteran Child, and so on. Even more strange is the fact that in the missions they appear in they're superpowered, but when you "reconstruct" them they magically lose their powers. Dafuq?

Outside of that though, non-superpowered Homies just don't make sense in the long run. Except for a very small window where you've only completed one or two Loyalty missions, a Homie with no superpowers may as well be no Homie at all. It's unlikely you'll call them up given how much more useful a superpowered Homie would be.

The point of all that rambling is I decided to fix this. With a little creative tweaking I was able to give every Homie you unlock superpowers from the get-go. Now before I go any further, let me clarify: you still need to do Loyalty missions for Pierce, Matt, Shaundi, etc. to give them superpowers. This merely makes it so that the Homies you unlock as part of those missions (Maero, Tanya, Roddy, etc.) come with superpowers.

While I was at it, I also did something similar for the Homies added by the two campaign DLC. Rather than having a mix of superpowered and non-superpowered Homies, all DLC Homies now have superpowers. This was especially needed for Future Shaundi, who displayed superpowers during most of the DLC quests, yet magically lost them as a Homie.

And before someone asks: no, this does not give NPCs superpowers during quests when they shouldn't have them. The only thing this changes is them having superpowers when summoned as Homies outside of quests.

Homies given Superpowers by this mod

  • Cyrus
  • Genki Girls
  • Julius
  • Maero
  • Roddy Piper
  • Super Saints Backup (srsly, they didn't have powers)
  • Tanya
  • Veteran Child
  • ETD - Josh Birk
  • ETD - Nyteblayde
  • ETD - Raptor Ned
  • ETD - Zimos
  • HTSSC - Future Shaundi
  • HTSSC - Mrs. Claus

2014-06-20_00061.jpg 2014-06-20_00043.jpg 2014-06-20_00035.jpg 2014-06-20_00036.jpg

Notes and limitations
  • Superpowers cannot be given to normal Saints Backup without causing every instance of those NPCs to be superpowered, at least as far as I know. Also, it would be brokenly OP.
  • The same goes for Gingerbread Men from HTSSC.
  • I have not been able to adequately test how well this works on a completely new game, so feedback is appreciated.

Technical Info
For people looking to merge mods, here's what I've changed:

characters.xtbl: Added the "has_super_powers" flag and "Super Saint" behavior override to the following named entries: "npc_angrytiger", "npc_sadpanda", "npc_sexykitten", "saints_male_sr1player", "saints_male_sr2player".

unlockables.xtbl: Added a silent auto-unlock to the very end of the table which gives superpowers to Cyrus, Julius, Maero, Roddy Piper, Tanya, and Veteran Child. Search for "Homie_Super_Boost_Silent" and select from the "<Unlockable>" above it to the closing "</Unlockable>".

dlc1_unlockables.xtbl: Added a silent auto-unlock to the very end of the table which gives superpowers to Josh, Nyteblade, Raptor Ned, and Zimos. Search for "Homie_Super_Boost_Silent_DLC1" and select from the "<Unlockable>" above it to the closing "</Unlockable>".

dlc2_unlockables.xtbl: Added a silent auto-unlock to the very end of the table which gives superpowers to Future Shaundi and Mrs. Claus. Search for "Homie_Super_Boost_Silent_DLC2" and select from the "<Unlockable>" above it to the closing "</Unlockable>".


  • All Homies Superpowered.7z
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Something long needed. Nice!
Great mod, but if you could could you make this compatible with the new homies mod by hoeward.
Technical Info
For people looking to merge mods, here's what I've changed:

characters.xtbl: Added the "has_super_powers" flag and "Super Saint" behavior override to the following named entries: "npc_angrytiger", "npc_sadpanda", "npc_sexykitten", "saints_male_sr1player", "saints_male_sr2player".

unlockables.xtbl: Added a silent auto-unlock to the very end of the table which gives superpowers to Cyrus, Julius, Maero, Roddy Piper, Tanya, and Veteran Child. Search for "Homie_Super_Boost_Silent" and select from the "<Unlockable>" above it to the closing "</Unlockable>".

dlc1_unlockables.xtbl: Added a silent auto-unlock to the very end of the table which gives superpowers to Josh, Nyteblade, Raptor Ned, and Zimos. Search for "Homie_Super_Boost_Silent_DLC1" and select from the "<Unlockable>" above it to the closing "</Unlockable>".

dlc2_unlockables.xtbl: Added a silent auto-unlock to the very end of the table which gives superpowers to Future Shaundi and Mrs. Claus. Search for "Homie_Super_Boost_Silent_DLC2" and select from the "<Unlockable>" above it to the closing "</Unlockable>".