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    WTF is this
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    Polish strings (closed)

    Umm... Saints Row IV for PS4 and Xbox One already has Enter The Dominatrix and HTSSC translated. :P So if you have a PS4 or Xbox One you can use Cenega's translation. :P PS I tak jebać Cenegę
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    My thoughts on SR:GOOH

    'Nuff said.
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    Additional Cheats

    Let him rest in peace. Or pieces.
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    A Saints Row Sequel/Spin Off: Wish List

    I'm afraid of Zombie Uprising! :( Anyway, what do u think 'bout 2 worlds in SR5? Real world with gangstas, reality etc and simulation with aliens, superpowers n' shit? Ps Flippy is awesome
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    Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

    Awesome mod!
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    A vehicle from SR series you'd want to see in rl life

    Phoenix is my favourite car in Saints Row series.
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    More homies Zynjai, Loren, Aisha. Genki is available without mods.
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    New Homies

    whatchu think 'bout Warden Homie?
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    DLC that YOU want to see

    Saints Row 2 remake... *_*