B Dawg
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    • B Dawg
      B Dawg reacted to SpyFreakAR15's post in the thread Compilation The Reawakened Project with Like Like.
      It's an NPC and gameplay tweak that is supposed to be SR2 but with an SR1-style grounding, affecting the look(and in some Cases...
    • B Dawg
      B Dawg replied to the thread B Dawg's Mod Pack.
      Small update, added a new optional weapons.xtbl file called SR1-ish Gunplay. What it does is make the fine aiming accuracy bonus base...
    • B Dawg
      B Dawg reacted to Spadita's post in the thread Unique Ammo with Like Like.
      Just like in SR1, i decided to create specific ammo for each weapon.. For example, you can only get Vice 9 ammo if you find another Vice...
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