What is the name of your boss?

Well, my boss' name is Richard but he goes by Jack. (Was Jack until that scene in SR3 that Kinzie threatened to spill his real name)
In SRTT and SRIV my player character ( or boss ) is female and since I modified her to resemble my wife , I named her after her nickname which is Voltara.





1vltraswrdatzn2c.png 2vltraprpswdstnd4.png 3vltrathmbgimpgtr2a.png 4utrblk8vltravtolg2.png 5vltraultr41.png

I also retextured the Ultor Assassin suit, the SteelPort Heroin suit, the decker sword and the Tek gun.

I typically change the appearance completely at least a couple times a game. I try to recreate celebrity women like Taylor Swift, Jessica from True Blood or various female anchors on Fox News lol.
I build every character after myself... kinda.
I'm planning to make my character look like solid snake from Metal Gear Solid tho.