Trouble with using Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UpdateASM.exe

I 'm planning to hexedit some of the .ccmesh_pc files of the main character 's clothing, which are located in .str2_pc files. Unpacking/packing of the .str2_pc goes smooth by dragging the file to the packer/unpacker.

The problem is that I don 't have any clue on how to use the asm updater. I 've tried dragging the files to the updater, I 've tried command line, even tried to use a .bat file (as it has been done with packing .vpp_pc files for saints row 2).
All those attempts resulted in a gamecrash when I tried to select the particular piece of clothing ingame from which I 've unpacked, and packed again, the .str2_pc files (and I haven 't even edited the files in it).

Unfortunately I haven 't found tutorials online yet about how to use those tools. If someone could point me to a tutorial, or perhaps even explain stepwise how to use the asm updater, I would be very gratefull.