SOLVED Thomasjepp stream2update Unhandledexception

I've been trying to use stream2update tool to get some older mods to function, but I've been unable to get anywhere. I keep getting this error every regardless of what files it comes across. mods that I place in the directory for SRTT will give this error.
unhandled exception.PNG
I get the same errors on all the PCs I own. I guess this is just that; this tool "claims" support for SRTT but in reality it doesn't. In the tool's topic SRTT isn't listed as a supported game:
ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe: A tool that automatically extracts the necessary asm_pc files for your current mods and updates them appropriately. Supports SRIV, SRGOOH.
My recommended alternative is VIPER'S UPDATED ASM UPDATER.
Captura de pantalla 2024-04-21 155406.png

I've been trying to use stream2update tool to get some older mods to function, but I've been unable to get anywhere. I keep getting this error every regardless of what files it comes across. mods that I place in the directory for SRTT will give this error.View attachment 20993
Someone help me with this program called: Thomas Jeep.Saints Row.Stream2Update

I don't know how to use it, when I open it it obviously detects the game Saints Row IV and below it says exit I got this message.

Which game do you want to update? (enter number)

The main question here is... What is the number?

I have .str2_pc files and also another one named customize_player.asm_pc in the Mods folder and all I want is to update them.