Seemingly infinite loading screen when entering the rift in "Breaking the Law".

This is the first time it happens to me. I have a few mods installed: Shitface expanded arsenal (tweak_table file merged with the Ultra Powers mod one), power upgrades costing 1 cluster, removal of robot balls, Mission Replay, retextured eyes and a few mods from the workshop (clothing mods, flamethrower guitar, removal of sky limit, new weapons skins and new homies).

I need to fix this, could you help me?
Of those, I would suspect "removal or robot balls" (???) and Mission Replay. I did that mission fine with EA, retextured eyes, and most of those workshop mods.

Neither of those two mods will have any impact on that rift, so you may as well uninstall them temporarily and see if that fixes it.
Of those, I would suspect "removal or robot balls" (???) and Mission Replay. I did that mission fine with EA, retextured eyes, and most of those workshop mods.

Neither of those two mods will have any impact on that rift, so you may as well uninstall them temporarily and see if that fixes it.
Thanks, will try (I'm more into mission replay being the cause).

EDIT: Both uninstalled and still unable to enter the rift.
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same here, same place, same mission, cannot enter the rift. tried removing what few mods I had in there, nothing. Just infinite loading screen upon entering the rift. very irritating
Thanks, will try (I'm more into mission replay being the cause).

EDIT: Both uninstalled and still unable to enter the rift.
same here, same place, same mission, cannot enter the rift. tried removing what few mods I had in there, nothing. Just infinite loading screen upon entering the rift. very irritating

At such instances I always go back and re-install the whole game (the saves are being saved) and then try again.

I had problem whit a nude mod and a menu mod.... the nude mod was simple: hadn't copied all the files, the menu mod however.... Well, I dunno what that is about....
At such instances I always go back and re-install the whole game (the saves are being saved) and then try again.

I had problem whit a nude mod and a menu mod.... the nude mod was simple: hadn't copied all the files, the menu mod however.... Well, I dunno what that is about....
Look, I don't wanna sound ungrateful or anything, but you've necro'd a 6 months old post, I'm not even playing Saints Row right now.