Save files

Hey guys, I was wondering if it was possible for me to acces my saves? Just to make things easier for a friend who dislikes story-line, he doesn't wan't to do them, so I thought I'd just give him my save so he could change the characters looks and all, but I can't seem to locate the file folder, any idea where it might be? (If it is accesible ofcourse, I dunno if it's bound to your steams as in bound)

thanks in advance.
They're stored in Steam's cloud storage. You can find a local copy in a subfolder of Steam, userdata\(user id)\55230\remote
The number of files and their modified dates do not reflect what is displayed in-game. The game uses the savedir.sr3d_pc file to determine what to show on the save menu. Therefore, when you edit or replace a save, nothing changes in the game menu. So just be aware that your friend has to replace one of his existing saves with it, and he won't be able to tell just by looking in the game which one has changed. My advice is to replace sr3save_00.sr3s_pc which -should- be the autosave, and load that up.

They are not tied to your account in any way. I've successfully shared saves before. Note that it will mess with his stats on the Saints Row community page, and may unlock achievements he didn't earn. I don't care about any of that, and i doubt he does.
Yeah, he won't mind - thanks Corrodias, everything turned out fine thanks to you! :D