Activities & Missions Saints Seven: But for real though

We get to see how Pierce's plan would have panned out if Gat did not take over.

1. Playa and Pierce enter the casino
2. Distract this security guard by telling them Pierce was cheating
(Gat sneaks in through the security door and cuts the power, then Shaundi shows up in the Repair Van to "fix" the power (delay the backup power))
3. Get to the safe without bumping into any guards
4. Steal all the cash
5. Get back to the casino floor before the power turns back on
6. Hand the cash to Carlos
(Carlos sneaks out the back entrance, and is flown back to Saints HQ by Tobias)
7. Stroll out like nothing happened
8. Wait in the Repair Van for Gat, Pierce, and Shaundi to leave the casino and get in
9. Go back to Saints HQ and count the cash
(Carlos & Tobias are waiting in Playa's Office with all the cash)

And the 7th Saint is... Troy I guess, who just covers the Saints tracks or something, IDK?
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