Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 v4.2 FIXED w/ New Links added!

New UPDATE:: with New links added!

The "fix" has arrived!

Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row 2 v4.2 has been fixed!
Added my other mod that removes the "smirk" off your face while streaking too!
Still I didn't include my mod Return of Red Alert, sorry again guys.
I've removed version 4.1, deleted it, I will NOT allow it to be downloaded.

As of now, the files that made the game crashed were "effects.xtbl. foley.xtbl, foley_effect.xtbl, and lightning.xtbl they have been removed.

1. In the "Saints Row 1 HQ Texture Pack for Saints Row" , extract these files into your GoTR's "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE" folder then rebuild patch.

2. Inside the Chunks and Pegs, extract these files into your SR2 Directory.

Steam version: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row 2\"
Gog Version: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Saints Row 2"

3. Go Play!

NOTE:: I did include a .zip file for the videos, just extract the videos into the videos folder in the directory where ever your Saints Row 2 is installed.

Important: This mod is fully compatible with Masamaru's SR2 HQ Texture Pack as it contains some textures from that mod that I used in making mine, some are modified and some aren't, (Thank you Masamaru). NOTE: If you plan to use Masamaru's SR2 HQ Texture Pack, make sure you install that before installing this pack.

I uploaded this mod on the Nexus Mods site:


Angelo's Mansion
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-24-04-08.png

The fixed drawbridge
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-24-29-56.png

Nice blue marble
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-38-55-31.png
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-39-03-41.png

A Screenshot of the Easter egg!
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-40-23-94.png

Another shot of the Easter egg! Can you guess where?
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-40-27-94.png

Fog been reduce
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-40-52-68.png

Good ole Church!
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-42-53-40.png

Price's Mansion
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-46-56-55.png

Behind Price's Mansion
SR2_pc 2019-02-01 15-47-30-62.png

Install instruction:
Extract these files into your GoTR's "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE" folder then rebuild patch. Enjoy your game!

I got some bad news to share with the Community. In the process of moving, I can't do anymore texture mods since my Xbox360 went and crapped so that's why I haven't updated my texture pack. The latest version 4.2 will be the last version made. 😭


  • Saints Row 1 Texture Pack for SR2 Version
    28.4 MB · Views: 3,889
  • SR2 Texture Pack
    221.6 MB · Views: 639
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I wonder if anyone have found the Easter Egg yet?

Edit: If you do find the Easter Egg post a screenshot please.
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Is it just me, or does the depth of field and AA look better?
I can't wait to just stare at the grass textures... Makes me feel
warm on these rainy days lol.
Is it just me, or does the depth of field and AA look better?
I can't wait to just stare at the grass textures... Makes me feel
warm on these rainy days lol.

Nope it's not just you, the DOF and AA does look better and so is the new camera I put in, it brings things closer to you. Wait til you see more birds fly in the sky, I know it works cause it worked for me, the sky_effects.xtbl control the birds and the haze in the game. Speaking of Haze, look at the horizon in the sky, there are haze clouds that replaces my old clouds. Lightning makes the sky brighter especially at night. So try some Wrath of God cheat anytime you want.
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Nope it's not just you, the DOF and AA does look better and so is the new camera I put in, it brings things closer to you. Wait til you see more birds fly in the sky, I know it works cause it worked for me, the sky_effects.xtbl control the birds and the haze in the game. Speaking of Haze, look at the horizon in the sky, there are haze clouds that replaces my old clouds. Lightning makes the sky brighter especially at night. So try some Wrath of God cheat anytime you want.
HAHA! You've been busy! I'll be looking for that Easter Egg btw... I've got a good feeling about the "Airport" district.
i use to make texture mods for a different game but i really want to learn for SR2, is there a tutorial or anything i can follow

First read up how it's done and start from there.

SR2 modding for dummies

If you wanna make texture mods go here and read instructions on how to use the tool:
Saints Row 2 Texture Tool

Last but not lease, try to learn how to use Masamaru's Saints Row 2 Chunks Texture Tool, this is what I used in helping me with my Texture Pack:

Make sure to follow instructions very well when using these tools. One more thing, make sure you make backups of your game files before modding them.
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Has anyone found that hidden secret Easter Egg yet?

Actually it's not hidden, it's in plain view.
I'm out. It's been a long ride, I just hope this project lives on! This project is being turned over to my friend Janson