Revealing Tactical Harness


Deleted user

Requires SpecialK

This mod is pretty simple.
This mod edits the VID's and textures of the Future Soldier top to remove the shirt.

SRTTR 2021-09-12 08-16-42.png

To install the VIDs: drop the Customization_items.xtbl into your "Saints Row The Third remastered" directory

To install the texture: Just drop the texture from the .rar into the following path.
Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Profiles\Saints Row The Third Remastered\SK_Res\inject



  • VIDedit.rar
    2 MB · Views: 1,963
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This is great. Thanks. Could you post instructions on how to remove parts of outfits? I'm attempting to remove the shirt from the Saints Row Freethrow Jersey. I appreciate the help.
Could this be combined with the pixellation censorship removal patch? I've tried comparing the customization items files from that patch and this one but I cannot find the entries that relate to pixellation or the future soldier top. I don't mind modding it, I just need those entries. Thank you.
Could this be combined with the pixellation censorship removal patch? I've tried comparing the customization items files from that patch and this one but I cannot find the entries that relate to pixellation or the future soldier top. I don't mind modding it, I just need those entries. Thank you.
Did you have any luck