Nonreplacement Homies + Instant Gang Member Spawn?

I've seen something similar done for SR3 with Cypher and Gat. I like seeing these mods of characters that aren't accessible in SR4 - Lin, Sharp, Loren, Viola, Mr. Sunshine, etc.
But every single one is a replacer. One of the original homies is removed and replaced. The only one I have seen with NO evidence of replacements reportedly removed ALL homies, and seems to not be supported anymore. I know it's surely not easy if it hasn't been done up to this point, but is it possible to make a mod with extra homies which does not replace anyone? Other characters from the past could be brough back as homies too, just off the top of my head:
Lin, William Sharpe, Phillipe Loren, Viola DeWynter, Kiki DeWynter, Jane Valderamma, Angel, Andy Zhen, Jyunichi, Monica Hughes, Kia, Burt Reynolds, Aisha, Tammy Tolliver, Zach, Bobby, Jimmy Torbitson
I also haven't seen a single mod that changes the backup homies such that they spawn instantly instead of by car. It'd be really nice to have your backup arrive immediately, and it'd be even cooler if you didn't have a cooldown on that backup call. Imagine calling a bunch of backup at the guard armory or during a high notoriety zin attack!

Just an idea, I doubt it will ever come to fruition, but I won't argue or complain if it does end up happening!
I am currently working on that, Homies seem to be pretty easy to add

But Homies like Angel, Burt Reynolds, Andy Zhen, Zach, Bobby, and Jimmy Torbitson are impossible or harder to add considering some of them were entirely removed while others just have voice lines.
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