Mod Request: Alphabetical Vehicle Sorting and Delete Reward

Is it possible to mod the vehicle sorting in garage, helipad and airport to alphabetical?
Clothing already does this, but vehicles just sort in the order they were acquired, this makes it
difficult to find a certain car you're looking for very quickly when you have many vehicles.

It would also be nice if the option is there to delete any vehicle from your garage, the rewards
ones you get from missions cannot be deleted and I have no use for them.
Re: Mod Request: Alphabetical Vehicle Sorting and Delete Rew

It'd overall be nice to have the ability to sort vehicles at your own liking, let it be Helipad ones or Garage ones.
Perhaps with a third party program to edit the savefile.
Re: Mod Request: Alphabetical Vehicle Sorting and Delete Rew

Released a mod that lets you delete reward vehicles:

I also think the sorting thing is probably going to need to happen with a save editor like many of you already suspect.