Minimaul's Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell tools

Released revision 133, with just a single fix - fix tools failing to detect game folders (an update in the steam client broke existing logic).

I've also attached CustomizationItemClone-rev133-with-reverts.7z to the first post - I think this should resolve issues with CustomizationItemClone failing to clone items correctly - it'd be good to get confirmation.
Hi there, really appreciate your work so far.
I ran a batch test for the clone tool (133 revert, couldn't get 121 to work), most seem fine but have listed some failures if you want to take a look.
OOM: cm_hat_beercap, cm_suit_agenttux, cf_suit_alienfsol, cf_suit_collegecoed, cf_suit_daisy, cm_suit_gsp, cm_suit_gsp, cm_suit_papoc, cf_suit_popstar, cm_suit_robomonkey, cm_suit_saloonbarista, cm_suit_washington .
Attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream: cf_suit_collegecoed, cm_suit_western, cm_suit_golf, cm_suit_elfsoldier .
No problem, boss. Here are some vanilla flavoured features then (at least as far as a cursory parse indicates).
OOM: cf_lph_foot_f_clshoes , cf_suit_cyphersuit , cf_suit_fempresident , cf_suit_femsim , cf_suit_femsim2 , cf_suit_shaundisr2 , cm_dlc_bc_suit_f_suit , cm_dlc_suit_blingpack , cm_hair_guy_glasses , cm_hand_postapocman , cm_hat_m_staghelmet , cm_lp35h_suit_f_fbot , cm_lp35h_suit_m_karate , cm_lp35k_suit_m_bones , cm_lp35l_head_m_flighthelm , cm_lp35n_suit_m_block , cm_lp35o_suit_m_scigirl , cm_mocap_suit_m_mocap , cm_nationalguard , cm_policesuit , cm_stag , cm_suit_deckersuit , cm_suit_empiresuit , cm_suit_f_hero , cm_suit_f_space , cm_suit_m_eva , cm_suit_m_fun , cm_suit_m_hero2 , cm_suit_m_rainbow , cm_suit_nyteblayde , cm_suit_spacesmuggler , cm_suit_team6body , cm_suit_team6whair , Cyrus Suit , decker_specialist_suit , M3SR1Player Suit , M3SR2Player Suit
Index was out of range: cm_dlc_bp_earrings , cm_head_m_antenna , cm_ring_f_lgsaintsset , cm_ring_f_weddingband , privacy bar top
An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream:
cf_nlmb_lbdy_f_skirt , cf_ring_f_gothset , cm_dlc_wp_ubdy_f_upper , cm_gasmask , cm_hair_longbg , cm_impb_ubdy_m_jdrsshirtubtn , cm_impn_ubdy_m_cjtie , cm_llb_suit_m_lthr , cm_llk_ubdy_m_bathrobe , cm_lph_ubdy_m_pirateshirt , cm_suit_f_goth , cm_suit_f_llk , cm_suit_f_mighty , cm_suit_f_warprc , cm_suit_f_witch , cm_suit_gentleman01 , cm_suit_m_falcon​
Null reference: cm_head_t6helmet00 , cm_suit_team6body00 , female_body , male_body​
Well yea, the cloning tool isn't perfect ngl. Here's a list of items that can be cloned and I've been using to make clothing mods:
Suit/lower body/upper body - cf_suit_bathtowel
Gloves - cf_hand_handwarmers
Headwear/eyewear/facewear/piercings - cm_lp35q_hat_vr
Backpack - basicparachute
Is there a way to convert .gmesh and .cmesh files from SRTT/SRIV?
Sadly - works with character only (.ccmesh_pc) and not props or vehicles (.gmesh_pc and .cmesh_pc)
Yo, think you can make an edit for the (free for a limited time) Epic Games release?
Tried to do make the edit myself, but then I realized that I don't know shit about coding