michaelfung2000's Weapons Tweak

I made it for sometime (right after my Earn Your DLCs Stuffs and Reward Tweak mod). Because It just some small changes and there are other mods do something similar, so I thought no one would be interest. But now I decide to upload it anyway.

- Now you can listen music in tanks.

- Prototype Crusader do make more damage.

- Stun Gun recharge faster.

- AR-55 shoot automatically.

- Togo-13 do more damage and do not go first person with the scope when you fine aim.

- Cyber Buster can stun people and charge faster (match with the sound effect).

- Sonic Boom charge faster (match with the sound effect).

- Change some unlock time of Friendly Fire.


  • michaelfung2000's Weapons Tweak.rar
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