Loose everything on death!!!

First thanks to all that have contributed mods, a little idea about events when you die had me looking at trying to make a mod :( I now appreciate the work and time given away in a mod.

But back to topic, it seems to me that everyone in Steelport is really honest or respectful of the recently deceased, I've been looking for away of removing all money, weapons, ammo on death, maybe even clothing just to add to the realism mod I've been using.

just a thought but if you loose clothing would it also be possible to have an auto streaking mod? if nothing else I hope this inspires someone with some ideas.
it seems to me that everyone in Steelport is really honest or respectful of the recently deceased,
Is this sarcasm? Because people aren't even remotely close to being respectful to dead people. I've literally heard people say things similiar to, 'He should have picked a better spot to die in'
LOL I suppose it could be viewed as failed humor, my point being other than a mod to remove money by changing the cost of death in the tweak tables, you get transported to the hospital and walk out with all your guns, ammo, even after being blown up and burnt alive you still have all your clothes. are their no honest thieves that rob the dead, or even ambulance and police that allow you to have weapons in hospital?

But I've all but given up now, I've looked in file after file trying to find any script that remotely even mentions death or loading, I'll come back to Gibbed tools and tutorials once the headaches gone.