..looking for logos, backgrounds, bricks...

Hell-o all!
..today, i need help for finding some textures that i cant find and i was hoping someone could point me to the good packfiles they belong too..
-loading logo (the logo of saints row, the one that looks like a bird with guns..we see it on loading screens..)
-backgrounds (the backgrounds images that we see on the main menu..)
-bricks, roads, roofs,.. (the textures used for brick walls and other building materials..)

..everytime i found a packfile that i tought was obviously the good one, it ended up having too much 'weird named' packs.. so to save time, i'm asking here in case some people have already found their exact destinations.
Thanks ;)
-backgrounds (the backgrounds images that we see on the main menu..)
It's a video. You can find it in videos folder called main_menu_bg
-loading logo (the logo of saints row, the one that looks like a bird with guns..we see it on loading screens..)
You have to unpack interface.vpp_pc to get loading screens
-bricks, roads, roofs,.. (the textures used for brick walls and other building materials..)
All city elements are in sr3_city_1.vpp_pc
Thanks Admixon for the reply! ;)
I realize now that i have not wrote my phrase correctly..what i really meant for the menu background, is the main menu background, not the video, the purple font with the title..i'm searching for this texture.

As for interface.. i kinda figure it would be there..but there's 2000files so i was hoping for someone pointing me to the right packfile for the logo..if you dont know exactly where it is its okay, i'l keep searching in interface :)

For the bricks and all.. i was hoping it wouldnt be in sr3_city_1.vpp since theres a ton of weird named files..do you know in wich one the bricks textures are?