SPOILERS Hear me out...

This guy knows that it's aluminium on his head, right? and that aluminium isn't conductive, therefore it's doing absolutely nothing to protect his head from Government EMR-based monitoring and mind control, right?

Doesn't everyone know that the biggest conspiracy of all is that 'tin-foil' hats do nothing to protect you from conspiracies?

I thought we'd be out, but we're back in, Mac, we're back in! Sure, sure, the Johnny Gat comic makes sense because he exists as an arcade character. Maybe even Kilbane is just a normal wrestler in this timeline? But why's the CID drone there? What's CID doing there facing the wrong way? Did Chris happen to order the Game of the Century edition in this timeline and get a dubstep gun? I have many questions, Mac, I have many questions and only Volition can answer them.
I thought I was onto something with the clock, but I think it's a dead end.

The only clock I could come across was at Twin Coyote Arcade, but as I was flying through the city, I noticed a giant version of the same clock on the front of a building, with the same time on it... And the time never changes on either one, so I don't know if it means anything or not.
Wait... I've only found 2 clocks in the open world... There may be a third though, I haven't done a thorough search. If we can pinpoint the locations of all 3 clocks, and those clocks happen to form a triangle, then we go to the centre of the triangle and see what's there.

It's too late at night for me right now, but I'll check it out tomorrow.