SPOILERS Escaping the Zin Ship.

So, I highly doubt this hasn't been brought up already, but considering this is still a problem (I just completed the mission after several failed attempts and finally had to look up on Steam for a "How To") I think it really, really ought to be at the top of this list.


The mission is pretty simple, you've been freed from the simulation and have to fight your way through the mothership to the platform, and then take over piloting the smaller ship through the bigger one. Kinda reminds me of the trip through the Deathstar at this point.
Then comes the big escape, you have to fly through the blast doors before they close, sideways like in Independence Day. For those of you on PC's that aren't using gamepads, ect, you'll find you don't know how to turn your ship sideways. You gotta go into the settings and controls to set up the buttons to do that, unfortunately.
That, however, is not where the problem ends. On each play through I did out of the dozen or so, the first blast door barely misses tearing me a new one, and if I'm fast enough I can scoot through the second. But the third? Toast. Unless, I thankfully found out on Steam, Iturn down my resolution. So people recommend finding and using a speed hack to slow the game down. Here -> http://steamcommunity.com/app/206420/discussions/0/846962626932986798/

Why is such a glaringly obvious and surely well documented, game breaking glitch still unfixed, guys?[Edit] In hind sight, this question is more rhetorical than anything else. The thread is more to hopefully help anyone else that comes across this issue and needs help with it