Dirty-Fix for Modern Soldier's Missing Fingers

I say "dirty-fix" because this isn't really fixing it, but more so just glazing over the problem.

If you use the Modern Soldier suit like myself, you know that it has missing fingers on the right hand glove. This is because the suit hides the right hand (somehow), thus not letting your normal, skinned fingers show through the right-hand fingerless glove (I say fingerless because from what the texture implies, the right hand isn't supposed to be a full glove, a trigger-finger I'm guessing?).

So, if you're like me and this bothers you a lot, try out this dirty-fix that should make the problem look as if it never existed... at least from a distance.

I fixed this by modifying the "customization_items.xtbl" to tell the game that the Modern Soldier suit should not occupy the "gloves" slot, which it normally does:

So, by telling it not to occupy the gloves slot, you could put any glove on top of the suit; I personally chose "captain's gloves" because it fits the outfit and covers both gloves nicely, but any glove will do, though they might not yield the best results as the captain's gloves will.

Nearly seamless! I find I don't even notice the clipping while playing the game.

So here's what you gotta do:

If you DO NOT have a modified customization_items.xtbl: Download the archive below and follow the readme for installation instructions.

If you DO have a modified customization_items.xtbl: Here's how you can add this fix:
Step 1: Open your customization_items.xtbl (preferably in Notepad++)
Step 2: CTRL+F and look up "cf_suit_empiresuit.cmeshx" without the quotation marks (this is done just so you can find the code block where the suit's info is)
Step 3: CTRL+F again and find "<Last_Slot>gloves</Last_Slot>" again, without the quotation marks.
Step 4: Change "gloves" to "lower body", so this line should read "<Last_Slot>lower body</Last_Slot>"
Step 5: Save the document and viola! Go in-game and you should be able to put gloves over the suit.

IF IT DOESN'T WORK: Go through the steps carefully again. Be sure not to skip step 2 especially, as it is necessary for finding the correct code block. Also make sure you didn't put any quotation marks around any of the code you were told to edit.

THIS MOD HAS NOT BEEN TESTED IN MULTIPLAYER, though I'm guessing what'll most likely happen is your co-op partner will see you naked wearing gloves. This is because their customization_items.xtbl has not been modified to include the changes to the code, and therefore, their game still thinks the Modern Soldier suit still occupies the "gloves" slot.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any problems or experience any bugs!


  • ModernSoldierFix.zip
    92.3 KB · Views: 590
...by telling it not to occupy the gloves slot, you could put any glove on top of the suit...
Brilliant! and --
Step 4: Change "gloves" to "lower body", so this line should read "<Last_Slot>lower body</Last_Slot>"
Step 5: Save the document and viola! Go in-game and you should be able to put gloves over the suit.
Cool, it works. Cheers. Anyway, seems Steelport Fighter Gloves worked quite well too for alternative --
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