decker sword movements

Decker, Decker everywhere (my talking about it).

Well, next to trying more zombie models (with kind of succes except for the skins) I tried to figure out how to make decker sword attacks. And I actually got it to work with the Nocturne (and maybe other melee weapons too, needs further testing).
The best thing: you can use the decker sword attack, but especially for the pad users under us, you can still use the old attack. It bugs sometimes, so you use the normal attack first, but straight from a walk or after hitting you use the decker attack.
It works for all melee weapons (except stun gun since that has the animations of a pistol).

I need it to work with guns yet, but to do that I need to find the anim groups of the rifle, shotgun, dual wield weapons, rpg, sniper and pistol.

A different dissapoint is you never get to wear the sword actually on your back, since the "always_wear_on_your_back" flag never works for the player, only for the homies, and even there it won't work 100%, because they can only use one weapon (exception for the deckers, that's something specific).

Back to the movements, I make the file downloadable for now, but it needs a little more testing.
It is a little bit buggy, but it shouldn't harm any of your saves.

Just place it where your .exe is, and it should work.


  • melee.xtbl
    608.7 KB · Views: 1,435
I gave it a try, and it really is quite buggy as you said. All melee weapons seem to share the same sound as the Nocturne and the sword doesn't appear in the player's hands. Lastly, there is a massive delay between each swing of the sword, as the player does the animation where he places the sword on his back after every swing.
I think I might give it up, unless you want to wait a few months to have it work correctly :D (really guys seriously I barely have time for it).
I can instead open a WIP for the extra zombie peds (from 4 to 19 different peds... if I add more the game will crash)... it goes with shitface's behaviour and spawn mod, and maybe without later... :)