Creating a menu or using shops for user interaction


For my "play as a cop" mod (, I have code in "sr2_city.lua" to give "stuff" (currently outfits and cars, maybe weapons later) to the player.

Right know, I'm using player_button_just_pressed fuction to assign a key to each item to get but I'm looking for a way to have some kind of menu for the player to select the stuff he wants.

I've looked into the LUA files of several menus (music store, garage, crib customization) and it seems the functions in this scripts are not available to code running in "sr2_city.lua". Also, those scripts use data structures and functions such as "vint documents" and "vint data responder" and from what I've read in this forum, I believe no tools are currently available to deal with those.

Does anybody have advice in getting user interaction from code in "sr2_city.lua" ?

If building a menu is not possible, I was thinking of using the car dealership/clothing store mechanics and allow the player to "buy for free" the items. However, I would like a way to prevent the stuff from being added to the wardrobe or garage when bought (or else, the player will end up with his garage full of the same 5 or 6 duplicate cars).

Does anybody know of a way to prevent a custom-made shop to add stuff to the player garage/wardrobe ?
