Add back warrior princess bottom as a separate pants

The game has the Warrior Princess top as a separate top from the full body suit, but it doesn't have the bottom. SR3 had both separate as well as the suit. Is there any way to fix this?
+1 to that..I really liked Warrior princes pants and was really disappointed to see that it is not that there in SR4 :(

Also, please add few outfits with Push-up boobs effect :p.....
In the same line, the modern soldier garments... I was pretty disappointed as I loved those tactical pants, and there doesn't seem to be a SINGLE pair of tactical looking pants anymore that aren't fused to a suit of some kind. I am a 3D modeler however, and assuming we get mesh tools in the SDK, I will make any attempt I can to work with idolninja in cutting apart those suits into separate meshes.
fury, you'd be my new hero if/when you can pull that off. My bosses wore those battalion pants (as they were called in SR3) as part of so many outfits.

Of course, once the tools are there, it would really be nice to see a lot of other things pulled apart, like the gloves and boots from the warrior princess top and bottom.