texture replacement

  1. ٩

    The Bloody Canonness we wanted all along

    Pretty sure people have been looking for a hoodless version of the Bloody Canoness outfit since SRTT came out. I finally bit the bullet and installed Special K, and turns out it's actually kinda useful: I made a bunch of variants with different glasses, so at least one of them should speak to...
  2. jackceck

    Booty Shorts - Fancy Fishnets with no fishnets

    I removed the fishnets from "Fancy Fishnets" in Leather in Lace to create short shorts. I also find out how to make stuff "shiner" so I have an extra file incase you want that change too. This will require a program called SPECIAL K: https://discourse.differentk.fyi/t/download-special-k/1461...
  3. pleasegofuk

    Broken LODs?

    I can't recall if this is a known issue with the game or an issue with a mod, but when I can around the map at distances or when flying/at a high height, parts of the map just turn black and disappear, usually in large square chunks. I'm thinking it's an issue with LOD (level of detail) but I'm...