
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    preload.tbl explained

    I have decided to share this reply in the Guides and Tutorials section, as it may be helpful for other modders. Original thread: Female Prison Overhaul Also talked about here: Hotdog for sale The issue with the Big Swallow is caused by preload.tbl. preload.tbl works as a hierarchy of meshes...
  2. Moff

    SR3R mesh import addon for Blender

    Modified my script a bit to import SR3R models. It works with the models i tried, but errors are possible. I only tested it on character\customization item models, it may not work with static meshes or cars and whatnot. Update 1: Added a function to import NPC head morphs. Update 2: Fixed an...
  3. Moff

    Saints Row 3\4\Remastered mesh import addon for Blender

    Wrote a new plugin for importing models. I only really messed around with customization items, so i don't even know if the script would work with any other types of models, maybe not. Imports mesh, rig and morphs. I made sure that dimensions of the model and armature match the template from SDK...
  4. Singa

    Correct Mac10 Clip

    This mod fixes the Mac10 (SKR-7 Spree) from GotR to make it use the correct magazine. Screenshots: Installing: If you use none of my other weapon mods, go into the "Standard GotR" folder and copy its weapons.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" >...
  5. shiningknight345

    Clothing idea that's probably already been said

    I've been scouring the forums and I thought of something. I know the very first post said you guys don't have mesh tools to work with(even though that post was 6 years ago), but considering Viper has been able to port items from SRIV replacing SRIII clothing items, people are able to make...