first person

  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    First Person (+Driving)

    Current Version: v1.1 SEASICKNESS WARNING: Due to the inherent nature of Saint's Row 2's camera system, the camera will always stay fixed to the horizon. For vehicles with a lot of body roll, the effect may become nauseating for some users. Welcome to the First Person (+Driving) mod for...
  2. C

    SR:TT Camera Modding Questions

    Hello I am trying to improve a pre existing first person mod for SR3 by tweaking the lookat_offset values to enable the player to fine aim with the reticles(optics) provided on several of the in game weapon models( i.e the ak, incendiary smg, ap smg, etc.). I have been experimenting with the six...
  3. Fan of Saints

    FOV Fix + Vehicle First Person Camera Mod (Saints Row IV ports)

    Link to my remake for Saints Row: The Third. Link to my remake for Saints Row IV. --> DESCRIPTION <-- The third mod from my 'Saints Row IV ports' series. This time I've ported Shitface's FOV Fix and Vehicle First Person Camera Mod. --> HOW TO INSTALL? <-- Copy all files to your Saints Row...